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Q: Z visa to L visa while in China

Somewhere I read as of  July 1 2015, one is able to get a Work visa while in China on a Tourist visa.  But I want to Change my Work Visa to a Tourist visa without leaving China.  Possible??


I had several tourist visas, decided to work and didnt like the whole experience, liars, liars liars,  anyway, at the end of the month I will finish the work/contract (one year reduced to one semester).



8 years 35 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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That's not possible! To get Z, one must apply at Chinese Embassy abroad. It is impossible to change any visa to Z in China.


If you hold RP, School must take you to PSB two weeks or so before RP expiration. You will get either 30-days L or 30-days RP extension. In other words, you will get 30-days visa on the top of RP expiration date.


That is Chinese law. In 30-days you can either travel around China, and prepare yourself for exit/return home, or if you signed new Contract, 30 days is time for your new employer to apply/renew FEC, new MExam and extend/renew your RP. No China exit is required.


For once you are wrong. It is now possible to get a work permit in Shanghai for some jobs without getting a Z-visa. 

8 years 35 weeks ago
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That's certainly novelty. However, I said 'one must exit China to apply for Z'.


You're saying, you can change arrival-to-China visa (not Z) to WP/Residence permit in China?


How's that WP called, or do you have web link for this 'option'?


8 years 35 weeks ago
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Scroll down to the 1st July 2015 update. I was a bit worn. Shanghai still requires Z-visa but you get it in Shanghai. No need to leave China.


8 years 35 weeks ago
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You mean this part:


For a normal foreign employee, after 2 years continuous working in shanghai with a working visa, if you don't break any China immigration laws and regulations, you can apply 5 years long term working residence permit. (Check the Working Z visa section Z1 service>>


That isn't Z visa, but 5Y RP extension. Z visa and RP are two different terms. You can't apply for Z in Shanghai.

Anyhow, Chinese visas are complicated. Me head hurts.

8 years 35 weeks ago
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No, I meant this bit.....



  • For a normal foreign employee, you can apply the Z visa without leaving the country, this is very good since it can save a lot of money and time. (VisaInChina need to double confirm when it will take effect);


8 years 35 weeks ago
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Yeah OK, but that's future. Tense, not confirmed.


Do you know what pain is to apply for Z at Chinese Embassies since 2014?

Z application form must be filled online. No hand writing on the form allowed.

If Embassy staff find some irregularities, one must go back to computer with printer and redo application. My form was filled OK, but I didn't pay attention where's the spot to glue photo on. Rejected.

That means lost day, 'cause queue was pretty long, and Embassy is open some 3h in the morning. After lunch is only passport pick-up.

I'm still not convinced, that China Z pick-up will go through, and who'll be permitted to apply in China. That's loads of hair.

8 years 35 weeks ago
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They must only do that at embassies. I had to get a new Z-visa last September in Hong Kong. I printed the form off the website and filled it in by to HK foreign affairs office.....and had to do it all again as the form on the website is out of date! :-(


ps. That Shanghai Z-visa issue isn't future tense. China Daily recently reported the new policies there, including that one, to be working well. 

8 years 35 weeks ago
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There's nothing on new Z visa policy/changes (pick-up in Shanghai/China) on China Daily. Nothing new on Yahoo-gle either.

'wet dream'

8 years 35 weeks ago
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8 years 35 weeks ago
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I need a tourist visa now as I dont want to work but stay in China...think it is possible to change to a tourist visa without leaving China?

I already gave up a new two year tourist visa to change to a work visa, and yes i had to go to the states to do it..... therefore, wasted the 140 dollars on  the tourist visa, only to need a new one now...what do you think?

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8 years 35 weeks ago
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My mom would say: 'Do I speak Chinese, so you don't understand me?'

What do I think? I think, you're not really fluent in English!


"If you hold RP, School must take you to PSB two weeks or so before RP expiration. You will get either 30-days L or 30-days RP extension. In other words, you will get 30-days visa on the top of RP expiration date."




They will only convert it to L if the person is going to be leaving China.​ This is information that I received directly from 2 different branches of SAFEA. 

8 years 35 weeks ago
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And what they'll do if you want to continue to work in China? New employer must apply for new FEC, FT must undergo new ME, and finally RP extension for the length of the new Contract. Now, let me ask you what do you want to do? You fancy travelling or you fancy anything else. PSB must know, cause Spider dialled SAFEA.

I received once 30-days S2 visa (Fujian 2014) and in 2013 I got 30-days RP extension (Xinjiang). In Hebei, I got 30-days L (2011).

I wasn't planning to exit China. Mater of fact, nobody even asked me anything about. 

Both last Schools knew, I'm joining to another RP sponsor, and both Schools were coached by Provincial SAFEA on proper procedure.

I believe that regulation '30-days visa/extension' varies from Province to Province. Fact is 'at completion of the Contract' 30-days visa is mandatory.

RP usually ends on the last day of the Contract. If one follows the Contract, you must be in the classroom on the last day of RP, so 30-days visa is mandatory at the end of RP, doesn't matter travel or no.

8 years 35 weeks ago
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I know after I stop working the employer gives a release letter within 30 days. that gives me time to find another employer under my current visa.  But i dont want to work. I want to stay in china and travel around.  I dont want to go to the USA just to walk into an Embassy get a tourist visa and then fly back to China if I can do it here.


this is why i'm asking about the new law july1, 2015.  

8 years 35 weeks ago
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You must get 30-days visa at the end of RP, doesn't matter what you'll do, exit China or join new employer/RP sponsor.

You can dial SAFEA in your Province and ask about it.

Return to the thread with answer you'll get of SAFEA.

8 years 35 weeks ago
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8 years 35 weeks ago
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You might have to hit up Hong Kong, they do visa changes there. 


What happened to highlights?surprise

8 years 35 weeks ago
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I have no idea what you are talking about. 

8 years 35 weeks ago
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8 years 35 weeks ago
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