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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: any ESL contacts in Changchun?
Hi all, I studied in the UK, any opportunity for non-native speakers and any ESL contacts in Changchun? thanks in advance
11 years 5 weeks ago in Teaching & Learning - Changchun
Look on the top R of this page, click 'Jobs in China', click 'Teaching jobs', city 'Changchun', and email your CV.
there's a school in longli lu and tongzhi jie, i went there a couple of days ago to ask and they said they needed someone
i'm also non native by the way so give it a shot
have seen a couple of jobs there on daves, but your going to a very damn cold place to teach, i went there in 2004 at the beginning of april for my birthday and stayed at the Mayflower hotel and the temperature was minus 3 for the high temp that day. the shower houses are very nice though, at that time, the water in the city was only on 7 hours a day, maybe its better now.
the biggest school there is bai da wei, dont know anything about them.