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Q: Breaking Rental Contract

i am renting an apartment 1400 rmb a month in Shenyang with one month of lease left if i want to break the contract will i get deposit back 1400 rmb and 1400 rmb for last months rent or neither and is there a breakage fee is there ways to get the money back or not.

10 years 48 weeks ago in  Housing - China

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Do I get that right: you've already paid both the deposit and the last month's rent? And the last month is about to begin as well? I think you'd do best to return the key in exchange for the deposit and forget about the last month's rent. Or try to negotiate (part of) it with the owner, after all, he/she can rent it out a month early now that you're leaving.

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10 years 48 weeks ago
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  What does it say in the contract? If it says you'll lose the deposit, you'll lose it. As for the last month's rent, the contract is probably vague about it. My advice is to be real nice and try to negotiate. Just make sure you do so in your flat, and that you have a big clear picture of an apartment that's been completely wrecked by hooligans, for all to see on your computer screen. You could place a chair on either side of the computer and some tea and biscuits on the table in front of the screen, just to be sure. And it wouldn't hurt to have a few cans of coloured spray paint, a hammer and a crowbar sitting to one side, like they're waiting for you to start a large project of some kind. The biscuits should be custard creams.

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10 years 48 weeks ago
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Do you have a good relationship with your landlord/landlady? If so you might be able to get something back as it's the last month. However they might be picky and say you should have told them a month earlier so they could find someone else and that you're gonna get nothing back.


ive broke the contract once or twice here and was left with nothing. Better to offer to pay the last month and tell them you're leaving early so want them to come inspect the house, them you will probably get back your deposit. I know you could just tell them to take it from the deposit but Chinese don't like to do that.

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10 years 48 weeks ago
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I depends on your contract but mine has a clause that says breaking the contract early means forfeiting the deposit. I'm sure the landlord will try to screw you over on this no matter what it says in the contract. Just don't count on seeing that money again.

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10 years 48 weeks ago
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i did before but i got another laowai to replace me and start a new contract and the landlord was happy about that 

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10 years 48 weeks ago
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