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Q: Couples. Any partner/fiancee/marriage visas approved despite failing to meet all requirements?

Right, in short, I have got an issue with visas for my gf.  She will be my fiancee eventually.


Issue is, for a partner visa, which is the best one for us at this moment, we need to show we have lived together for two years.  We haven't managed this.  We met a year ago.  We would have lived together for two years if the Chinese Government didn't decline me a new visa meaning I had to come home to the UK, which is where I now am.


Anyone managed to get a visa of any kind without meeting all the requirements set?  This is directed at those who have obtained a visa within the last year (Rules change frequently).


Ta to all.

10 years 39 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Wait, are you trying to bring her to the UK or are you trying come back to China?

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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You should try to be more specific in your statements if you want help, instead of letting us guess.


If you are trying to bring your GF to the UK, then check out the UK China embassy website, visa section. You should have all the information you need if you take time to read carefully.


If you allow me to take a wild guess, I'd tell you that even if the visa policies have loosened lately, the "Single Chinese girl looking for her BF" profile remains a big NO NO for many countries, especially the Shengen area that isn't nearly as strict as the UK. And GF/Fiancee is not an official status unfortunately.

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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Call the embassy. We got my wife a spousal visa without providing any details about her job, except a dodgy letter written by her boss. The requirement was to show the business license of the company. She works in a branch office of the city branch of the province branch of the country branch of a Hong Kong company. They couldn't be bothered finding out who has the business license. A conversation in my native tongue with an embassy employee stopped the barrage of requests for documentation from the local visa office employees and the next day an automated email said the visa was en route with EMS. 


In short, call your embassy, explain them the situation and ask how to deal with it. And remember what they are really interested in is documentation that your GF will go back to China instead of working in some underground sweat camp in Norwich. 


Cause your wife and you have been married for three years If I was right.

I guess that's one of the main reason why she got the Spouse Visa.

They just met a year ago, such a short time ,plus UK always have strict visa requirements at least It's stricter than Australia.

10 years 39 weeks ago
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yup, but still call them and ask. the documentation is not always possible to provide.

10 years 39 weeks ago
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10 years 39 weeks ago
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Then TMaster is correct we'll just have to give him 2 answers for two different situations:


Situation #1. Bringing your Chinese Fiancee or Wife to the U.K.

Requirements: 62,500 Pounds... = Y618,000 RMB. Much less if you already have a job in the U.K and a house bought and paid for. The price goes up IF you have children. requires 6 months to get a Chinese this visa. It's good for 2 years and can be renewed until 5 years have passed thus allowing your wife to get a British passport.



Situation #2: You the British unmarried man trying to get a marriage visa.

Based on your current status: "Impossible" to get a Q Visa or PSB wife sponsorship visa because you are single and IF you married today then you haven't been married long enough to even get this visa., well maybe a small chance for a Q visa but you better get it in the U.K, Hong Kong only gives out 3 to 6 months.


Next problem: " Proving 2 living years together" You must have registered your address, Passport and Visa in China at your local PSB near your apartment and your GF or Fiancee should have done the same thing, in China this is the only way to prove that you two guys have lived together for 2 years.  I laugh when my friends say: What? register at the PSB? naaa, tooo lazy.. Well if that is your case or their case, it comes back to bite them in the a**.  There's a law there for a reason.


Solution for situation #2:

Come back to China and work legally for 2 years, live with your Fiancee, marry her and you'll be fine.


Fact: Sorry man, they're ain't any short cuts for your situation. Only illegal ones, do you really want to risk a perfectly good relationship because of illegal visa stays in China like you did before? Yes, do whats best for your Fiancee, come and work legally in China. Go get your Z visa man.


Good luck.





There's a law there for a reason. But probably the real reason why there is this law is that China wants control over where people are, and it is helpful for the policemen who find a foreigner on the streets after having been run over by a bus. They'll know what apartment to go loot. 

10 years 39 weeks ago
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haha they would loot, I give you that. They would..

10 years 39 weeks ago
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This pisses me off. Can random Chinese really get a British passport after 5 years? No wonder our borders are swelling and our economy is ruined.

10 years 39 weeks ago
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Yeah if you live and work there among other stuff you can get a British passport after 5 years. I also don't like our Green card system, Both the U.S and the UK need a clean sweep, I can show you a 1000 illegals in the U.S everyday and the police won't do anything due to the lack of Gov funding, My country, the U.S will go bankrupt someday, California and Detroit have already started this phase. Now it's like a tower of cards just waiting to fall one by one.

10 years 39 weeks ago
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10 years 39 weeks ago
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For UK partner visa you have to prove that you have met. Then if the relationship is genuine of course you can prove a relationship - phone records, emails etc.


Yeah 65k in account or have a job earning 18.2k or more, more then for dependents. 


Must show satisfactory level of English. 


Have you looked into the Fiancee visa, good for 6 months then can 'switch' into partner one. 2 years then indefinite leave to remain after 5. 


PM if you need a hand, did courses on this and worked in it before I came here.



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10 years 39 weeks ago
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I had similar issues, just to visit my hometown with my then gf (now wife Wink )
   * Need anything that prove she will go back to China and not overstay and end-up in some under-the-radar job for illegals migrant: job (company licence, letter from the boss, plane ticket to go back)
   * Need to prove she have enough money to support herself without external help. 50000 RMB on an account did the trick.

That was for Shenghen area.


This sounds like a U.K tourist visa, not a partner visa, can you clear that up?

10 years 39 weeks ago
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You're right, it's for her to come as a tourist. They can't legally be partner, because of the "2 years together" thing. I can't see an other way. She can eventually get a job in UK and get a work visa after that. The tourist visa gives some time to try things.

10 years 39 weeks ago
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10 years 39 weeks ago
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Sorry there is no short ways In your situation.

The best way is,You come back to China and live with your GF for two It's pretty hard for a unmarried Chinese woman to get a tourist visa to the UK let alone a partner visa.

Marry her in China , collect all the evidences and Show the Consulate.

Good luck.




Well said Maggie, I love common sense.

10 years 39 weeks ago
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Yup certainly would make it more straight forward marrying in China and once your married you can apply. Catch though - you must be in the UK when she applies. 


No 2 year wait then with the 'Unmarried Partner' route. 







10 years 39 weeks ago
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10 years 39 weeks ago
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I think the solution for right now is the finacee visa. You do not qualify for the 'unmarried partner' or the 'partner' visa (2 years requirement/not married)


Next options: become a student in the UK, get her company to transfer her to the UK, become an entrepreneur in the UK, if she is extremely minted - investor visa. (Many requirements attached to all of these). 


Why choose a visa you do not qualify for and of course you have to meet all the requirements.

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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Sorry for not being clear enough earlier.  I was trying not to be too long-winded.  To answer all the questions...I need a job earning £18,200 per annum to get her the partner visa.  Thjis is not an issue.  I am in the UK now and will have above job soon with some help, after I have taken a few IT exams.  The student option is what was originally considered, but I can't wait until July for her to come here because I miss her too much.  She will visit me in January.  I then aim to get her here in April.  It doesn't take six months to get most visas.  It takes three.  Sorry for the lack of paragraqaphing.  Site is not allowing me to.  Maybe because I am using Windows 8 and this site is not adapted to it.  Pat; May I contact you privately, please? 

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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I'm from the U.S., and our case was likely an emergency expedition due to her parents' craziness. 12 days to get it, not counting incredibly slow mail delays.


We hadn't lived together for 2 years, or even a year, but she was pregnant. We were married basically 1-2 months (legally) when we applied. We also took a lot of photos together, and traveled a lot together. We. We. We. Our. We. Us. We.


Despite the "emergency," we needed super proof of income, or around $90k cold hard cash to get her here to prove she wouldn't be a public charge.


We also had proof of us knowing each other years previously. We had a MOUNTAIN of evidence to support our claim. And they still almost turned her away in Detroit...

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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If you have issues getting a UK visa then go for EU, live there in Spain or France and then move to Europe after about 6-12 months. She can't work but you can. I heard of a few people who have done that.


He's right, it's only 3 months but you the British must have a job and proven tax or wages for thos 3 months.

10 years 39 weeks ago
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More than happy to help you. Work away on the pm. There's always a way.

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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