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Q: i overstayed my visa by a month and soon tobe deported

i had my passport stolen about a month befor my visa ran out i have got a new one but overstayed my visa by 30 days. The psb gave me a fine of 10000 that i dont have ive agreed for 10 days and being deported. How long till i can come back to china thats if i can come back and once i am back in the uk what will happen there this is the 1st passport to be stolen and i never been deported from any country be for and its not for working in china its just a overstay

10 years 38 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Thanks for the feedback David.


Sounds like detention is to be avoided.


Hopefully, your story published here will help prevent others from making the same mistakes.

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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First of all, you should have know when your visa expired, regardless of having your passport stolen or not - it is common sense to make a copy of it and to know this date.

You, as an adult, are responsible for this.

Secondly, was your passport stolen before or after your visa expired?

your question is confused. Could you please ask more clearly?


I agree, I HIGHLY suggest you always keep a picture of your passport on your mobile or computer and make a photocopy. I never lose my stuff so I feel safe having it on my mobile but perhaps you shouldn't if you have stuff stolen often. 


This way they at least know you aren't an illegal and have some evidence of being in the midst of getting your passport back. 

10 years 38 weeks ago
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10 years 38 weeks ago
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your supposed to have your passport on you at all times, while most dont, because of that it seems inexcusable to not have a copy, i have a copy in my wallet, at home, and my office, and my momma has a copy back home as well

10 years 38 weeks ago
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my passport was stolen about a month befor my vias ran out the only place a uk passport is made is in the uk i had to send all forms to hk then to london


a friend of mine had his UK passport stolen last year.

he kept in contact with the UK embassy, the local PSB and his employer the whole time as he needed his RP to be replaced.

he had made a copy of his (stolen) passport and visa.

he used these as identification for the duration of waiting for the replacement.


I find it difficult to believe that you could still function without a copy of your passport. crying

EDIT: the whole process took 3 weeks for him. how could you have your passport stolen a MONTH before the expiration date and manage to overstay by 1 month ?

10 years 38 weeks ago
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I totally agree with Sorrel

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sounds weird....back in 2003 I lost my passport on a taxi. I just went to my embessy and made a new passport...


now new passports come from the london i did think i could hsve got one here

10 years 38 weeks ago
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A work colleague had his laptop bag stolen with his passport inside.


It took a lot of work, but he managed to get out China and back on a plane to the UK in about 3 days.


First port of call is the UK consulate. They gave him a bit of paper to take to the PSB for an emergency exit visa. Then back to the consulate to get an emergency passport. There was also a police report involved and a hard copy printout of his airline tickets. All this happened in the week before CNY.


It's worth noting that there will be a comment in your new full passport to say it's a replacement for a stolen one.  That sort of puts a stop on applying for a new visa with your new passport because the authorities will dig a bit deeper with your application.


I would say it's your own fault if you don't get back in.

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Sorry. Double post.

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10 years 38 weeks ago
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I agree with the others, it's your own fault, and something tells me you didn't want to walk into the PSB office and tell them you were renewing your passport that you "claim" was stolen.. Why didn't you walk into the PSB and report it and get a letter from the PSB, they can and will do that because your passport number is in their system and they would have extended your visa online information weekly until your new passport arrived thus making both side happy and legal..


I don't know, something is fishy about your story and your English typing style. Are you a native speaker? Which part of China did this happen? What were you doing in China? All these things can add up to something.


BTW, you'll be blacklisted for 6 years from what I read.


i was born in hayle cornwall england and doing this on a nokia n8 phone. The passport was stolen on guangzhou east station l told the police on the station i didnt think about the psb till the embassy told me. So trying to sort the paper work for passport trying to sort out psb and trying fo find a place to stay all at same time. In end a friend got a flat using his id for 3 months when passport came from hong kong after the holidys here i took to psb as the flat was not in my name thay turned me away to register the flat that i could not .

10 years 38 weeks ago
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i am from hayle cornwall

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the psb gave me a letter to sort passport out in 30 days i sent the forms for a new 10 year passport . At that time i didnt want to go back to the uk for a new passport why spend £95 out for travel back to uk to get new 10 year passport to come back again that didnt make sense to me. And i doing this on a nokia n8 phone


What advice did the UK consulate give you David?


Do you feel you have done everything properly but are in the position of potentially being banned from China, through no fault of your own?


Please keep posting to keep us informed. maybe some good lessons for us all to learn here. Tell us the full story so it can be filed for reference.

10 years 38 weeks ago
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i did think i could have got a replacement passport here than being told only in uk running aroung guangzhou trying to sort everthing out for new passport took time as like going to get a bankers dralf for a new passport and being told you need your passport and getting some one to sign it who known you for 2 years and thinking ivd not been here a year yet its just very show the psb didnt tell me that if your passport not back in 30 wot can i do

10 years 38 weeks ago
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I dont know what to recommend you, nut i can imagine that the whole situation makes you feel bad so i would just wish you good luck. i hope everything will ne fine with you eventually. 


thank you i know i got to do 10 days and then back to uk loads of people was giving advice some good most not as i found out the psb gave me the paper and said come back when your passport i just didnt know wot to do

10 years 38 weeks ago
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Sympathize with you, man. Especially with the 10,000 you had to cough up. As far as passports go, you'll get a new one.

What you "should have done" is irrelevant at this stage. You've had enough wrist-slapping from the authorities without having to heed other "should-have" advice. Moral: Don't do it again.

As far as deportation goes, China isn't the only, ahem, paradise on earth with the sorts of opportunities you are looking for (whatever they are). So, it ain't the end of the world.

Get your new passport, get your ass deported outta here and start anew elsewhere. (If Asia is your cup of tea, there's plenty of green pastures beyond the borders of China.)

Good luck.


beautifully said

10 years 38 weeks ago
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yes i like asia may not be china again i come for a year not 16 months i been here now i wanted to go thialand next but stolen passport stopped that. So thank uoy for the nice words

10 years 38 weeks ago
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Good advice.


But the OP did not pay the fine. He done the detention instead. So can't see him escaping the ban.


Maybe the OP can tell us what the detention was like.


I would really like this guy to tell us as much as he can about his situation. He is in a position to tell a full story rather than the usual half.........

10 years 38 weeks ago
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@ScotsAlan: I missed the detention part of the story. Was the man detained?

10 years 38 weeks ago
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I am glad to read your thoughts, supportive ones for this poor man, Red_Fox. He needs encouragement, no matter who is and I am sure he can't be such a bad guy if he comes here for an advice. I too, believe you're paying enough for your mistakes, to be burdened with more guilt. It's an exercise indeed to encourage people who already are to witness their lives on the verge of the collapse. Your situation it's not something that I would wish to anyone at all and I wish it didn't happen to you either. Because actually you're through it, be strong enough to start over again. I thank God for your friend who proves to be helpful in such situation. He is a friend you should never let go of ever. He is a friend you must keep it. Pay him back what he's paying you for the ticket, as a respect for him and out of total gratitude and if ever somebody is going to be pushed against such strings as you are now, be helpful and save him as you are saved just now. 

The most important is that you learn from all this and learn to be prudent. God is good and look how eventually everything will sort out. Be very prudent. In China, unlike anything we believe about them, there's always somebody who can prove to be a good friend. And, hey, when better friendship but in such situations! 

Learn and be courageous. Don't lose heart through all this experience through which, it's easy to lose strength. 

Once you get back to England, we would like to hear from you and most important we would like to hear that all it went just fine with you and that this bad experience turned to be for the best in your life. May God be with you in all this. I wish it to you from my heart. 

10 years 38 weeks ago
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i reason why i didnt pay the fine i dont have it i been liven in next to nothing these last 3 months telling the psb i dont have it and being told come back in 10 days i was told of the britixh emassy on thursday tomorrow you going to be detained for 12 days but on friday the psb told me to come back on tuesday and to sort a flight out no stops to london i got a friend said he will sort that out and i can pay him back once in england so its sunday now and i got till tuesday to waste i got less that 10 rmb left now i think the psb have messed around way to long. The british emassy been telling them i have not got it i told them i not got the money but i am still here .as i dont know when i being sent home i cant tell any one when i be back and mo ont have told me wot will happen once i am back will i be met by the english police i got no idea




You won't be met by the British police,  unless of course you have an outstanding arrest warrant in the UK that you came here to escape from......


It sounds to me the PSB have been fair with you. You have had no money for 3 months, you lost your passport 2 months ago, and your visa expired 1 month ago. based on that I would say the PSB doing their best for you.  Also, it's not the British Embassy's job to keep you out of jail or pay your ticket home. All they can do is ask if the prison food is ok.


If I were you I would put this down to experience. Get home, pay your mate back his ticket money and have a think about things.


Given your bad experience, I can not begin to comprehend why you would even want to consider coming back to China.

10 years 38 weeks ago
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Mmm, Do you have friends to feed you and keep under the roof until things get sorted out? If not find out how you'll be sent back with or without a passport and go to the PSB and surrender, tell them you did everything humanily possible to get that money but can't and you're not running anymore... At there they could give you food and shelter..

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Ok, Alright it's time for you to relax and do anything you must to survive, China wants that 10k and your ticket home, you should go back to work at any place that will hire you, work for 4 months and save enough for the ticket and the overstay fine... I have seen and met Indonesians and Filipinos who just burned their passport and have stayed in China for years and years and then like your case they go through that same thing... So a few more working months is your only option if you can't get a enough money to solve your problem..

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10 years 38 weeks ago
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You do not have money, but you are not working in China. What the hell are you doing here for so long? Schools cost money, and you should at the very least have enough money to fly back. 

And your concern is coming back? 

Find a way to sneak out to avoid the fine and possible imprisonment. And stay away. 

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use Mozambique airlines and dive out over London.

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ok i back in uk now but i can give a little run down of day to day being locked up . 7am ready to wake up 7.30 listen to misis 7.50 sing the chinese nationel amthem 7.55 morm exercies 8.05 have breakfast and water 8.30 read the rules of detention 8.40 doctor checking 8.50 queue exercise 9am watch educational movies 10am inspection 10.15 outdoor activities 11.15 lunch and water 12 sleep 1.30 listen to music 2pm chinese national eathem 2.05 fead the rules of detention 2.15 que for exercise 2.25 doctor chect 2.35 teaching 3pm out wilking 4pm inspection 4.40 read chinese papers and supper 5pm tv 7.30 drinking water 8pm doctor 9pm roll call 10 bed to sleep


So, ur happy or no?

10 years 36 weeks ago
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I'm in London, too! I was in Camden yesterday, and I spoke to a cop:


Me: 'Excuse me sir, can you tell me please if marijuana is legal in UK?'


Cop answered with two sentences:


1. No, it is illegal! 2. ?????


Can you guess, second part of his answer?


"But I understand there's been significant research that more or less concludes it's less harmful to one than other substances that are currently legal so i shouldn't be particularly surprised to find it legalised for personal use in the fullness of time."

Bingo!  Right??




10 years 36 weeks ago
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No, in UK weed is illegal, as cop said!


He added Q: 'Do you have anything on you?'


Me: 'No, sir! I am just doing a survey.


Cops are in very funny position here! They uphold the Law, but weed apparently lower blood sugar (same as more known 'insulin'), and other 'healthy' things. So, I'm having fun at their account. I'm having a blast!

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10 year ban

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Thanks for the feedback David.


Sounds like detention is to be avoided.


Hopefully, your story published here will help prevent others from making the same mistakes.

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You should've planned ahead David.. The last thing you want to do now after the recent visa reforms is to overstay your visa a month and then go about it the wrong way. If all of what has happened is true then you just need to learn from it and avoid such mishap occurring again.


I once bumped into a mate from Oz at the PSB in Shanghai and he "accidently" thought it was the month prior and overstayed his visa 25 days, this was back in 2011 and he was only fined 5000 rmb and was given a warning because he went to the PBS when he realized this.

Obviously things have changed since then

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Only yourself to blame, sorry. We have no excuse to forget our visa expiry dates, you should ALWAYS keep a copy at home and a copy with your family, like others I have photographs uploaded to online storage so I can ALWAYS get a copy of my passport if I ever need.


As for getting a new visa, it shouldn't be a problem as the China records are linked to your passport number and not to your name so if you tell the UK Passport Agency that you lost your passport then you should be able to reapply. I have had friends in the US that did that and were back in China about 6 weeks later.


IF you are able to get a new visa then PLEASE remember your expiry dates and don't overstay again. If you do have you passport stolen then the first three things are to report to the local police where the passport was lost/stolen, contact the embassy to arrange a new passport or emergency travel documents and if your visa expiry is approaching the also visit the main PSB in your city to let them know the situation and ask for their advice regarding any potential overstay.

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77