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Q: Odd question... But does anyone Homebrew in China?

Back home in the states I homebrew my own beer and wine and I was curious if it was possible over here in China, or if anyone has ever tried. if so what were the results?

11 years 2 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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So you tried the local paint removers ! The Chinese have been making alcohol for 7000 years and still can't get it right. Do you brew from kits? I don't think you can get them in China. China does have some good wines.


Yeah, normally back home I use kits to make my beer, all-grain is a bit time consuming. I figured it would not be hard to get the kit over... just a matter of the supplies.  I figure the wine would be easier, I have a Chinese friend back home and her father makes his own wine and its really good.  I figure I'll try my hand at that.

11 years 2 weeks ago
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Hope you're talking about wines different than grape wines. For sake of curiosity I did try a range of Chinese wines from 20rmb/bottle ones up to about 70rmb/bottle (It's against my religion to spend more for a chinese made wine...:)). The best one was good for floor cleaning purposes only.

11 years 2 weeks ago
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11 years 2 weeks ago
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I have done wine from scratch here, and so far I have used strawberries, cranberies, bananas, oranges, lemon and  apples for flavoring.  Those who have sample them claim to love them, and have asked me for a bottle of it, or another taste on later visits.

It really does impress visitors to my apartment when they realized this dumb foreigner did make the wine they are drinking. And it does impress me how quick and easy locals get drunk while I am just a little happy.


I will have to try that then, those all sound like great tasting wines.  Back in the states I made wine a couple times, pear and peach wines.  When I get settled I will try it, did you just use simple bakers yeast?

11 years 2 weeks ago
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If you can find it in China, yes. But be aware, it is not as good as the one from abroad. I had mine sent from the States.

11 years 2 weeks ago
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11 years 2 weeks ago
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My gf's dad (Chinese) homebrews baijiu.  They like to carry it into the restaurants in a Sprite bottle


Sounds like my high school and early college days lol, sneaking stuff into to concerts and what not

11 years 2 weeks ago
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sounds like a good present for you father in law would be some more elegant means of carrying his homebrew. a nice hipflask perhaps. 

11 years 2 weeks ago
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I'm afraid the baijiu would be an insult to a nice flask.  I find the Sprite bottle entirely appropriate, and is at least more practical than an empty bucket of paint thinner.

11 years 2 weeks ago
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11 years 2 weeks ago
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I don't think it's common and microbreweries are all the rage now in major cities like Beijing or Shanghai anyway so why bother. I think you would have to import your own home brew kit as I haven't heard of any available here. I found this article on this site about craft beer which could offer some clues:

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11 years 2 weeks ago
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I actually found a kit online a while ago. A quick search now reveals 25Kgs of Malt, not quite a kit, but an important part.



Thanks, that is a lot of malt.  I saw some other things that would be required too...

11 years 2 weeks ago
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11 years 2 weeks ago
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A few months back Walmart had a promotion for wine, if you spend over a certain amount you can get a bottle/s for a cheap price. I bought some 50rmb wine for 10rmb, planned on using it for cooking but it's actually quite nice, very very fruity like drinking grape juice. China is improving in the wine field but I don't know how they can drink baijiu, the only time I touch it is to toast my father in law on his birthday each year! One small cup is enough for!

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11 years 1 week ago
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