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Q: OK so CFTU guy is back

Years old topics being dug up for no reason, stupid visa questions/horror stories with all the good keywords being posted by unknown profiles... the usual pattern, only this time a bit of effort is spent in storytelling.

A bit.


Oh well, we still say CFTU but actually his thing now is more "internships" since his "teachers union" hoax is so busted he is banned on sight on most major expat websites... I mean those with have active admins *cough cough*.


9 years 5 weeks ago in  Money & Banking - Harbin

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OK so guess what, remember the link to Global Times our dear Steven is apparently so fond of posting around for no apparent reason?

That one:


Don't get fooled, it's from a Q&A section just like here: it's not the front page, it's no official news, it's not vetted, it could have been posted by anyone and so are the comments.

It's the exact same old SEO technique they've been using from the beginning: post random stories on renamed sites trying to improve their reputation and look legit.


As a reminder of what Steven98, Zethe and probably a bunch of others are about:


Don't waste your time with them.


 some of us get wasted (time) 

'I'm mature -not.'

Nobody else can get 'bread' on SAFEA subject, while I'm present...LOL

9 years 4 weeks ago
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I have still to find someone worthy of my rewrite of the theme song from 'Rawhide'

9 years 4 weeks ago
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You can't do rewrite of Raw, because of your too heavy Celtic's accent.


I guessed, Siobhan! I promise ....

9 years 4 weeks ago
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I'm more interested in this OneStop thing!


Someone who was able to market themselves really well managed to get a pile of links all to themselves - which is very similar to the style of what you're referring to!


Wouldn't it be funny if it was made public that GT had endorsed a wanted criminal? :p

9 years 4 weeks ago
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9 years 4 weeks ago
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I mean come on,

writing is a bit less lazy than before and he actually gives closure to the stories, but with the rash of visa/work related questions of these days including the usual random dig up, don't you get at least a bit suspicious? They don't even ask real questions, and people usually don't just pop out to relate their experience for nothing, sorry I think it would be great too but reality doesn't work this way. I'm not saying it would never happen but seriously what are the odds.


Until now I've been right in most of what I said, so now I'm declaring this:

- These accounts will either keep posting and eventually make themselves obvious OR they'll disappear. Time and cost.

- You'll see links to these posts magically appear to validate CFTU / China Scam Watch bogeyman stories.


I can't tell, if Q is fictitious or OP is in real trouble, so I give an advice how to handle the matter.

Nei Mongol SAFEA's address and contact no. aren't listed on our link, what made me think a bit about the Q.

You might be right, but still Q and As could serve as an advice to other FTs (1300 hits) working in China.

9 years 4 weeks ago
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I definitely got lucky with help from redditors and here...and some potential employers willing to help me call SAFEA (repeatedly).
I even had to have my boss sign and stamp an agreement that she will give the papers she is supposed to give ANYWAY on contract termination...on video.

Hopefully this will all be over soon, I just want to go to a more reputable school in Shanghai, it's a Canadian business named Panda Education. Heard of them?

9 years 4 weeks ago
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It looks 'boss terminated contract...' was BS!


I asked OP for Nei Mongol SAFEA's phone number, he got an answer from. 


No reply/no ph. number.

I just want to update SAFEA's address&contact no. thread, where Nei Mongol address and contact no. aren't listed.

9 years 4 weeks ago
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these don't work?

check the post, I gave the numbers and email.

the woman's name was Chloe Peng Cheng


9 years 4 weeks ago
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9 years 4 weeks ago
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Why is it every time I see the capital letters CFTU, my mind wants to convert it to STFU. Coincidence ?!  I think not.

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9 years 4 weeks ago
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Honestly, him being back and me being back in China for a bit are just a coincidence!

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9 years 4 weeks ago
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OK so guess what, remember the link to Global Times our dear Steven is apparently so fond of posting around for no apparent reason?

That one:


Don't get fooled, it's from a Q&A section just like here: it's not the front page, it's no official news, it's not vetted, it could have been posted by anyone and so are the comments.

It's the exact same old SEO technique they've been using from the beginning: post random stories on renamed sites trying to improve their reputation and look legit.


As a reminder of what Steven98, Zethe and probably a bunch of others are about:


Don't waste your time with them.


 some of us get wasted (time) 

'I'm mature -not.'

Nobody else can get 'bread' on SAFEA subject, while I'm present...LOL

9 years 4 weeks ago
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I have still to find someone worthy of my rewrite of the theme song from 'Rawhide'

9 years 4 weeks ago
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You can't do rewrite of Raw, because of your too heavy Celtic's accent.


I guessed, Siobhan! I promise ....

9 years 4 weeks ago
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I'm more interested in this OneStop thing!


Someone who was able to market themselves really well managed to get a pile of links all to themselves - which is very similar to the style of what you're referring to!


Wouldn't it be funny if it was made public that GT had endorsed a wanted criminal? :p

9 years 4 weeks ago
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9 years 4 weeks ago
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am i ever going to see your face again (the Angels )


Shall I add the 3 lines that come after?? :p

9 years 4 weeks ago
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Nah post a link to a live version lol

9 years 4 weeks ago
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9 years 4 weeks ago
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The one about the school seems plausible. But clearly the CFTU guy is back with a different type of scam. I think he finally gave up the CFTU scam. Only the future can tell.

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9 years 4 weeks ago
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CFTU guy is such a freak. Bruce Gorcyca. Calls himself "The Leader" and rants about all the recruiters want him dead because they fear the obviously fake CFTU so much.


I dont know how that guy can look in the mirror. He's such a joke. Must think he's a victim some how and that scamming people is making the world even.

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9 years 4 weeks ago
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Expatlife26 I reckon you know that i'm not this CFTU guy, especially all the postings you made as BoogerBlasterCFTU on another site. with your crazy UN stories. angel


nah I only post here


whether it is you or not, CFTU guy looks like hes just another 2 bit scammer with a messiah complex. Might actually believe at this point that he's "The Leader" and worthy of being followed


might just be tactical though. If i owned a business and thought a cult leader had me in his sights i'd been keen to pay up to get him off my back

9 years 4 weeks ago
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9 years 4 weeks ago
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A:  If you received an online degree in most cases it should have be
A: If you received an online degree in most cases it should have been from a reputable college. If it came from a degree mill that definitely would be a problem. You should not worry about how they will contact this place. If the degree is considered authentic the people will know where to go to inquire. In my case I needed a copy of my diploma and one company in China recommended a Clearinghouse that was able to verify my degrees. They did not provide copies of the diploma, though. If the place where you received this degree is acceptable in your country then, it should be acceptable in China.Another point to consider you stated it was an MS degree. I have not aware of any programs that allow students to hop from a high school education to a Masters degree level education. With that said maybe you received a Bachelors degree. If that is the case submit that information.  I would not encourage you to lie. In that you definitely will not have any paper trail to back up your story. Some companies do not accept TEFL online especially if it came from International Open Academy. That place is a one room office. I would consider that a TEFL mill. It was such a waste of time.Do you have the ability to do searches online? -- slspringer22