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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Rental fapiao in HZ
Hi all.
Does anyone know where I can get my hands on a fapiao in Hangzhou? Who is willing to do one up for me? (you can always PM me! )
12 years 48 weeks ago in Money & Banking - Hangzhou
By fapiao, do you mean a receipt?
An 'official; receipt, with red stamps and all... yes. Private landlords won't provide them (because it means they'll have to pay tax), but some companies (including realtors) will do them up for you (for a fee - usually 5%). It's not entirely..... ummm.... legal...... because, while it's a 'real' receipt, it's not a real receipt for the tax dept.
If you are friends with any shop keeper or restraunt owner, ask them. They will normally be able to help you out pretty easily. (Since most of them have books of fake fapiaos.)
Won't it be obvious it's from a restaurant, and not a rental company?
If you want a rental fapiao and not just any fapiaos that add up to the desired amount, then you should talk to a realtor. They may be able to help you. But normally this is something that should be taken care of before you move into a place. (Also, note, that there are 2 types of rental fapiaos. 1 is a hotel fapiao, and the other is a apartment rental fapiao. The hotel is the most common type, but you will want to check to see if that is acceptable by whoever you plan on giving it to.)
There were some people selling fapiao when I was in HZ. Just ask one of your close Chinese friends to check taobao. He might also need to help you call the seller if you cannot speak Chinese. You can buy fapiao from these taobao seller, while, it's illegal. taobao is something like eBay.
Yeah, I know about the Taobao ones... they look really fake! I've been told they want 'good' ones...
why do you need a fapiao? you need to give it to your company fore reimbursement?
Yes John.. but that was 3 months ago, so it's a little late now :(