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Q: Sex visa for English Teachers

Now that I have your attention ( yeah I know it was a dirty trick..but it worked)
I would like to talk about my attempt to give the Ecc Answers Forum a jump start.
Now as many of you know the page is far from it's glory days of five to ten years ago
And there was a wave of useful answers to every day situations that where and in some cases still remain part of life in China.
I haven't been visiting this page much in recent years as I got addicted to world of tanks ..which accidentally is going through a decline in population.
All of us have a change of interest and move to orher things.
Im going to be asking a series of questions over the next couple of weeks in an attempt to stimulate some interest in the page .
Click bait if you like to simply gauge who is out there besides the couple of regulars that are here.
Why am I doing this ?
Well I like taking on things that others put in the to hard basket and I believe that if you stop communicating you become isolated.
Anyway if I don't achieve anything at least I can say I tried.

5 years 17 weeks ago in  Arts & Entertainment - China

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On ya mate wink




Now about this sex visa thing.



Asking for a friend here...  smiley


Does anyone know how to go about getting one - qualifications needed etc, and what sort of jobs are available to someone with no real skills or talent in the field?


I'd assume it's a bit like when you start out teaching, you start at the bottom (no pun intended ) and work your way up to better jobs.

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5 years 17 weeks ago
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In the hay day this post would have had 3 comments by now

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5 years 17 weeks ago
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Well, here's your first outside comment Smile

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5 years 17 weeks ago
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On ya mate wink




Now about this sex visa thing.



Asking for a friend here...  smiley


Does anyone know how to go about getting one - qualifications needed etc, and what sort of jobs are available to someone with no real skills or talent in the field?


I'd assume it's a bit like when you start out teaching, you start at the bottom (no pun intended ) and work your way up to better jobs.

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5 years 17 weeks ago
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Hey Philbravery! Good to see that you are trying to get this page up and running again. I did stop communicating and I am isolated. I still live in China and I guess reading this page gave me hope because now I just realized that I am not alone anymore. I just wish that the police were not clamping down on foreigners so much. Been here 10 years already and I have never seen China in such a bad state. They are about to kick two thirds of all the foreigners in China out. We all know that it is a tit for tat game between the Americans and the Chinese. I wish these governments would grow up instead of acting like little kids.


Sorry to hear that...Australians arnt immune from the trade war either. For some reason they are bannimg Australian coal in China. Hope you and others can feel comfortable in participating on the page.

5 years 17 weeks ago
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Yes, it's going to get ugly in a hurry, Trump has been planning this for 15 years.

5 years 16 weeks ago
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5 years 17 weeks ago
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There's a sex visa? Hell, I'm happy when people who look at me don't run away screaming. Didn't know I needed a visa for that too 

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5 years 17 weeks ago
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Wha ... happened to 'Sex-on-15-days-visa' thread? 


I know, it had many hits ... 


Did  anybody ever count ... the hits? surprise

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5 years 17 weeks ago
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angel He's salivating ... you shouldn't do it! 

5 years 16 weeks ago
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5 years 16 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman