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Q: Some things are better left unknown...
This is my first year in China. I'm currently teaching in Zhengzhou. I don't have any culture shock or anything but since I have been here, I have noticed that some things that I have witnessed are better left unanswered.
I just graduated college with a BS degree in Biology. With that kind of background, I really would like to know where a lot of things come from and how when I see it here. Be it food, stores, restaurants and some of my Chinese friends' manners, etc. But, I don't have the guts to bring myself to wanting to know.
I just wonder because I should want to know that but...I don't think I would like to know.
Have you ever felt like that? If so, what kinds of things?
For me, there are a few things I really do not want to know.........
Like for example, I have asked my GF that when she orders at a restaurant, do not tell me what she has ordered. I will taste, if I like I will eat, if not try the next dish. But do not tell me what is it, or where it comes from.
Or also I do not wish to know details of her life with her former husband, who she and her daughter hate with passion. In a way, I am afraid of what my reaction will be at details of physical abuse, since we do sometimes see him.
Those afre the main two I do not wish to know, maybe as Shultz from Hogan Heroes used to say, "I know nothing........" is best.
Firstly, I'm sorry you have a degree in BS. I know that's not what you meant, it just made me laugh when I misread the sentence.
Best not to think about food saftey here. There have been big issues with contaminated cooking oil in some cities. Cross contamination of meat (raw to cooked etc.) can be easily observed everywhere. General food handling procedures are really terrible. I used to work in catering/hospitality and what I see on a daily basis here would have places closed down back home.
Best thing to do: don't think about it and eat where you see locals eating. It's weird, but some of the ugliest looking places do the best food!
Yian, in this case, BS stands for a Bachelor of Science degree from a college or university, like BA will stand for a Bachelor of Arts. Likewise, you can see MS and MA, meaning Master degree in Science or Arts. The other BS you seem to know what it stands for. Cheers and Happy New Lunar Year for you.
Thanks, I know what degrees are - I happen to have one. Back home we use the initials BSci, not BS. Happy Spring Festival to you too!
To answer the question you have to know what type of person you are. Can you go tour a slaughter house and then go get a hamburger afterwards? Can you clean out a hen house and then enjoy KFC the same day?
For an average person, I'd give the advise don't ask too many question here, cause you're not going to like the answer. If you're a bit more twisted and not really phased (or if you already assume the worse but you still enjoy it) then yeah ask questions, find the answers, and expand you understanding while still enjoying your time in the Middle Kingdom.