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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Is there a school in guangzhou where I could learn to cook chinese food?
I am planning to start a Chinese restaurant in my country next year.
Then if by your own country you mean the west, don't learn how to cook in China. The food that 'western' Chinese restaurants serve (even the 'authentic' ones, is a million miles away from what you get over here.
Even my wife, (who is Chinese) says of 'western' Chinese restaurants that it "all tastes the same" The problem is if you wanted to be genuinely authentic you would go bust as the cost of Chinese fruits and vegetables in the 'west' are prohibitive.
That was dumb, no, i'm sorry, I don't know. Dont forget to include dumplings on your restaurant menu cus foreigners love it!..Good luck
I also looked for learning chinese cuisine, but until I find someone to teach me - I learn myself.
I know it might be "not traditional", but some of my friends (Chinese) who tasted it, said that I cook better then them
But, what is different, I'm not looking for a school, but "tutor"
Btw? anybody wants to learn some Polish dishes?
Visit the Book Center or some other book stores to find some recipes in Chinese or cuisine books. Of course, your understanding of Chinese may help you further. Besides, there are some live TV programs or online cuisine ones, free of charge totally to train you to be a skilled book. Search them and have a good luck.
Hi Rain;
I was looking into that too when I first came to China.
There is a place in Wuyang Cun called "Say Cheese" they have a fully stocked kitchen and they will teach you how to cook. But in the end, I decided to have someone teach me at my place because I can learn to prepare and she taught me how to use my kitchen and taught me about prep work.