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Q: Watch out for old folks...they are really dangerous ! .....and money minded !

I was riding on my e-bike to work in the morning, everything normal, one old woman, also on an e-bike suddenly decided to change lane without a look to check if it was clear and bumped into my e-bike, she lost control and fell to the ground.....I stopped on the side of the road and went to check if she was not hurt, she was sitting on the road and looking like in a state of shock, I helped her stand up, and at first glance saw some small skin abrasions on her hand but otherwise she seemed OK.   I wanted to leave and go, she held on to me and insisted on calling 110.   The police came and they gave us a choice, either we settled the matter by ourselves, or they were going to impound the bikes and take us to the station.  One policeman suggested I gave the old lady some money, it was so apparent to everybody that it was the only thing that was going to solve the matter....RMB 200 was the sum she asked for and she settled for RMB 150.   This kind of incident is common in China, so beware.

11 years 43 weeks ago in  General  - Suzhou

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I was riding my bicycle in Guangdong Province and knocked off the bike by a taxi in a hurry to get through a red light.  The driver had to pay for the trip to the hospital, for my medical treatment and for my moral suffering as well, in an amount approximately 100 times higher than the amount that you indicate.  There was no People's Court but rather he was basically summoned to the local police station and after I was released from the hospital, they looked at him thoroughly, looked at my feebled state, my destroyed bicycle, and simply put a price on everything and asked if I was satisfied.  You got off very, very, very cheaply with RMB 150, very cheaply.


He didn't do anything wrong, the old woman was at fault, whereas of course your case the taxi driver was wrong. I feel he wasn't supposed to pay anything.

11 years 43 weeks ago
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11 years 43 weeks ago
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I don't get why you had to pay when she was in the wrong...

And why is a police man suggesting this, discrimination....


This past week in Suzhou I joined some friends to a park, we were all foreign looking, no Chinese amongst us. Just before entering the park there were painted guys that posed like robots so a lot of Chinese people were taking pictures with these men, a Chinese woman asked if it was free and they said it was. Well, my friends being overly excited insisted I join them I insisted I wasn't interested. It was so fun they posed and posed.......they only took 2 pictures as compared to the many pictures the Chinese people took per person. When my friends finished taking those two pictures (with their own camera, the guys just posed) as they left, the two painted Chinese men who had been silent throughout as part of the act followed my friends and with stern faces commanded that my friends pay, my friends mentioned that the others never paid and that they had said it was free but then the guys started to look so offended and seemingly getting aggressive, so my friends paid.


How is having different skin colour and eye shape automatically make you rich and give people the feeling that they have the right to milk you?

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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I crashed into a lady head on. Not sure why she did it. But it was some strong force. She was riding her bike on the wrong  side of the road you are supposed to ride your bike onto oncoming traffic so you can see it. I guess they don't know the bike rules or someone never taught them.


You are of the ones that drive into on coming traffic, mostly without lights at night? Your friends teach you wrong. I think they want you to get hurt or die. Do not drive like this. Sorry I make mistake, I forget you not write correct. I do not know if you play game or what.

11 years 43 weeks ago
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I think I get it now

981 .... come out when K has something topic related


Matty comes out after drinking or hasn't taken his medication


Jiliu-he comes out when K is needed for organ donation

and K comes out when he is not talking to the othersangry

11 years 43 weeks ago
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Philbravery, your comments are truly demeaning and without reason.  They should be removed.

11 years 43 weeks ago
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so tell me, how do you explain it then ?

11 years 43 weeks ago
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philbravery, how would I explain it?  politely at least, not savagely, not snidely, not in a strident manner -- then again that is just how I would try.  Others are different, I guess.

11 years 43 weeks ago
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One of his other IDs gives him a thumbs up, look at all his posts, they have usually one thumbs up while no one else has any. And no one gets thumbs down like this guy, who besides himself would give him one up?

11 years 43 weeks ago
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Im still waiting for your explanation in antici---------------------------pation


It would be so much easier to know what personality you are putting forward


I liked the Juili-he one  and his naivety

the 981... can be up himself at times but give some good answers sometimes

kchur  is a little closer to normal

and Matty is just plain annoying however I guess he   was made up from left overs

11 years 43 weeks ago
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it would be interesting if we re posted this in a non collapsed tread 

however as you know  that is not likely to  happen on a Matty post

11 years 43 weeks ago
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11 years 43 weeks ago
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This is why you can not offer help in China, there is always a scam, with hand out, give.

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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i hate scammers like her, there are everywhere OMG

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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dude, you are lucky it wasnt worse, but this sort of road scam happens between chinese and chinese more often, not everyone is upto blaming a foreigner for a road accident, it would be much worse for them if they were caught lying or trying to scam a foreigner

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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you got scummed by the road scammers



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11 years 42 weeks ago
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you've got scummed by the road scammers


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11 years 42 weeks ago
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150 is nothing really.  i had paid 3000 for a similar accident.

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10 years 47 weeks ago
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Let's get a few facts straight:

1. You are all American.

2. Americans are all millionaires.

3. This entitles all Chinese to cheat you out of your money.

4. The crowd is never on your side


they are not totally true.  they would ask money from chinese too.  it all depends on how wealthy you look.  

10 years 47 weeks ago
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Well that's true - they also cheat each other.  But in any conflict involving foreigners the foreigner is automatically deemed to be at fault, and any reparations will be inflated because of your obvious American'ness.

10 years 47 weeks ago
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10 years 47 weeks ago
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