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Posts: 57


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Q: What's the craziest Chinese fruit you've eaten in China?

I've been eating that crazy giant orange/grapefruit thing, but the craziest would have to be that smelly, pointy fruit that Rob Schneider fell on in "Double Impact". When I eat it I liek it, but when I don't eat, I don't liek it!


What's yours?

10 years 47 weeks ago in  Food  - Other cities

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Durian. Tasted it once. Don't need to taste it again. It is awful in any imaginable way. Painful to touch, difficult to open, tastes horrible, smells worse, the consistency is that of nothing else. 

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10 years 47 weeks ago
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Mangosteen: it's so beautiful and purple on the outside and white and silky on the inside. But actually what made my first time eating a mangosteen so memorable was that a hundred little bugs came racing out when I cracked the skin open. A crazy experience!

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10 years 47 weeks ago
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Love all of them - Durian, mangosteen, jackfruit, longan...Fujian has it all smiley

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10 years 47 weeks ago
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Peach with 3 worms in it.  I didn't know until I bit into it and 2 dropped onto the table, and then I looked up and saw the 3rd one wriggling out.  Don't eat peaches people, they bad.


Did you ever 'consider' they were probably more than 3, before your biteangel? That was horrible fruit!

10 years 47 weeks ago
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'zactly!  There were probably thousands of the little b*ggers.

10 years 46 weeks ago
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10 years 47 weeks ago
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Snakes Egg also known as Salak, it's quite a dry sour fruit that usually is served with some sugar on it to take away it's zing.

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10 years 47 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman