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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Where can I play Snooker in Nanjing?
There are pool halls all over the place in Nanjing.
I was about to say basically the same thing - there are pool halls everywhere in China but then it occurred to me, I don't think I've ever seen an actual snooker table in China, even in a pool hall.
Yeah, I'd be interested to find somewhere that definitely has snooker tables if possible. Thanks in advance!
Could you provide some addresses for pool halls? I've walked into a couple of local venues listed on google maps but they are shut now. Thanks!
Don't know much about Nanjing other than the war memorials but in Shandong, many KTV's have one floor with pool and some snooker to make some money during the day when business is slow. I would check with the students that are trouble makers, they usually know this information. Troublemakers are easy to spot at lunch, they will be at the nearest place that sells cigarettes outside the gate, the smart ones will be at the stores with no cameras, they know everything about the city. Taxi drivers are very useful but want give a foreigner the information, just get a Chinese friend to ask about snooker tables.