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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Where to get Degree certificate apostilled
Apparently, following an interview, I have to get my degree apostilled as part of the new Foreign Expert's Certificate rules.
Anyone know where I can get such a service done in Nanjing - Ideally I don't want to trot to my nearest (UK) Embassy for such service
8 years 42 weeks ago in Visa & Legalities - Nanjing
I had my degree authenticated by the Chinese embassy in Toronto. An agency did it for me and it took three weeks and cost me 650 Canadian Dollars including all the courier fees.
Yeah this is the correct way. Must go to the embassy in the country of where you earned your degree.
My guess is that you'll have to find the city's Notary Office where they will do a translation and give you a couple of booklet copies with your degree, the translation and a page saying it is legit. I doubt an embassy can help in this instance anyway.
Must be done in the Chinese embassy. I have these stickers on my sons, wifes and my birthcertificates. But the sucky part is that your have to go to or send it to an agency of where the degree came from. If I earned a degree in the U.K, But I'm American, doesn't matter. I must go to the Chinese Embassy in the U.K ort send it there with the help of an agency,.
I had my degree authenticated by the Chinese embassy in Toronto. An agency did it for me and it took three weeks and cost me 650 Canadian Dollars including all the courier fees.
Yeah this is the correct way. Must go to the embassy in the country of where you earned your degree.
650 dollars really?
Wow big costs there.
It's something like 400 rambos at the notary office if memory serves correctly
You can send a copy of your degree certificate to an agency in the UK and get it done for about 230 British pounds including VAT. I am trying to work out if a notarized, legalized and authenticated copy is ok for my new employer. The agency is called BlairConsular. They send the certificate to the FCO and then take it to the Chinese Consulate and return it to you by courier in China.
Evidently China is following in South Korea's footsteps on this. Might want to do a google search with apostilled south korea, maybe something will come up.
China doesn't accept apostilled stuff. Only a special sticker in the shape of a square and a shiny circular seal at the bottom that is given to us only at the Chinese embassy in the country of where the document or degree is from.
Sorry I didn't mention I had my degree authenticated while in china. I searched the internet for agencies in Canada who do these kind of things. It was painless really, just expensive. If I had to go back to Canada would have been a real bitch, so worth it for the price I paid.
Hello, I'm hoping to do what you did, and get my degree certificate authenticated through an agent in the UK (my degree is from the UK). Did you send the original certificate to the agent or just a copy? And did you send your transcript as well? Thanks!