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Q: Why are men specifically attracted to Chinese girls extra creepy?

Maybe cause I'm from a city full of Asian people I've never seen this mystique. But whenever I see people say things like "I want a Chinese girlfriend" or something like that I think "What a loser." Who goes out specifically asking for advice on how to get a woman of a certain ethnicity?

Also, I may be married to a Chinese woman. But I certainly didn't set out to do that. I'm not talking about guys who are here cause they have an easy time scoring and happen to think Asian girls are good looking. I mean the freaks that want an actual relationship SPECIFICALLY with a Chinese girl. I don't get that. I've always dated whoever I happened to fancy.

....racking up the bedroom passport is another story, but as far as relationships go, I find it creepy.

12 years 51 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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Man, your question is complex. You flip and flap about, how do you know who wants a specific relationship?, if they do, why are saying they are creepy, maybe they are like you and want to marry someone


Well there's a difference between saying, "Hey hey, man! Where do all the loose Chinese women hang out?" and "I really want a Chinese wife, how can I make this happen?"

12 years 51 weeks ago
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I just can't understand your question, sorry

12 years 51 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago
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I see nevermind's point . How can you say "I want a Chinese wife/gf" before you even know the person ? It means you are basing it solely on the fact that the woman is Chinese . Idk if creepy's the word , it more or less is just strange and doesn't make any sense .


I find it creepy. Cause I think it smacks of desperation and of a certain kind of assumption many bigots carry about Asian women. Usually these guys have never had ANY kind of a GF, so I think they say they want a Chinese one cause they figure it's the best shot.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago

Before you judge someone walk a mile in their shoes, that way you're a mile away and you have their shoes!

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Nevermind, what is wrong wanting to have a Chinese GF? and for that matter saying you want one? Some guys go to another town to score a girl for the night, are they sleeze? Maybe!
I just find that your question is loaded!! Of course people sail the World and do things we might think aren't ethical or morally right. Answers, you get on this forum aren't that nice, with what they say about the Chinese Girls, but all forums are the same.!


I find it odd you would want a relationship with an ethnicity, not a person.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Man, what World do you come from?

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Apparently one where some people are naive about race-based relationships.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago
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When i visited China afew years ago i thought in general Chinese girls were much more to my liking than the ones i knew back home in the UK, i liked China and see it as a good place for my 'future' family to be so i decided to move to China and look for a Chinese wife...

If in the time before i found a wife I met a nice English girl i dont think i would want to date her to see if i really loved her or not as i am already set on the idea that a Chinese wife will be better for many things over the course of our lives together...

Maybe its creepy but im specifically after Chinese girls...

As for Chinese girls looking for foreign boyfriends/husbands the number seems to far outweigh the number of guys looking specifically Chinese girls...A LOT certain dont care about anything much more than they are foreign ideally not Asian...

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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Ok I haven't played the "lets see how many chinese girls I can sleep with game" since 2008. Actually since then, I've kept serious relationships with European women (though the current one still fights me tooth and nail saying she's South American). Anyway, I just wanted to give you some background so I can defend these people you say are "creepy" without you thinking I'm just defending myself.

Let's start with someone being physically attracted to one certain race of people over you call that creepy? Cause if you get down to it, most people are. Then we can even narrow it down further with individual preface of language or culture (for how hard it's to learn and for what a joke this once great culture has become... to each his own).

So let's back up and say a guy finds Asian women more attractive, and the generic Eastern culture more appealing for how he would like his wife to be. Then let's think, what country would have the largest population to possibly find his soul mate in that would fit within this criteria? Maybe China... just maybe. So if you have a slight case of yellow fever and enjoy the Asian lifestyle, so far China is sounding like a good place to meet a variety of girls and find that special one. So without becoming creepy, just following this, you still have the best chance to find the personality that would be best for your future wife by saying you want a Chinese bride.

And that's not even taking into consideration the idea of the class system in China and the idea that so many Chinese girls would love to have a Western husband to break her out of class.

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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I like Asian guys. I just think they are more good looking. I also think that marrying someone from another country is cool, and their accent when they speak English is cute. What's wrong with that? Does that mean I am creepy? Or is it only creepy when a guy is interested in Chinese girls?


Creepy no.... For me weird yah... But hey it's your body/life... If you like cocktail wieners and men with manners like barn yard animals, knock yourself out if that's your thing... I find the men and women here are completely different, nothing alike!!! But whatever floats your boat, not my business. ;)

12 years 51 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago
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I think it would be weird for someone in China to say "Hmm, I really want an Argentinian girlfriend."

I guess some people come to China with that mindset though..."I like Kung-fu and Chinese food, I should get a China girl!"

Or maybe they just heard stories about some fat bald guys in their 50s marrying beautiful 20 year olds and that suits them.

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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you can't compare asian woman with western, asian are more patient,loyal,as western are ruff and have no commitment it depends why guys want have asian girl freind , if for one night stand? is different story,, sorry to western ladies who read this comment. Shy Shy


Um... you Chinese broads cheat on your husbands FAR More than western women do. That's a fact. There was a survey done recently and ten per cent of Chinese women do it, whereas only 3 per cent of western women do. I think you are VERY delusional about Chinese women. In fact, many Chinese women I know HATE other CHinese women because they don't trust them, even friends. SOrry, you're full of crap

12 years 51 weeks ago
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I argue the commitment comment having screwed a few married ones (unknowingly, I didn't find out until after the fact, yes they lied and said they were single...)

12 years 51 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago

love life

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I understand that some men have certain features that they like in women. That's cool, whatever. It's only when that's all they're into when things start to get weird. If a guy refuses to even consider dating anyone other than Chinese girls it's just creepy. And chances are if he ever does hook up with a Chinese girl then she'll eventually find out how creepy he is. Puzzled But that's just me.

I keep thinking about this weird guy I went to high school with. He was all into Japanese anime, had Asian porn on his PSP, bragged about how he was moving to Japan or China or wherever and how he was going to have a bunch of Asian girlfriends. You know, that kind of guy. We have to be careful that we don't turn into him.


I bet he had a ton of Shonen Knife CDs too.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Is it a good thing that I don't know what that is?

12 years 51 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago
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Hey, I love women...period. Tongue
If I was stationed in Tuktoyuktuk, I would love Eskimo girls (OK maybe not).
When I lived in Hawaii, I became enamored with the Japanese/Hawaiian/Caucasian mix girls.
When I went to college in SoCal, I was hooked on blonde bubble butt beach bums with fake tits...and Latino girls too.
Before coming to China I had NO interest in Chinese women, but you know what, they grew on me.
Damn, those YCG's (Young Chinese Girls) are the cutest thing I have ever seen!
I am currently stationed in the YCG capital of the world in Shenzhen. First 2 months in China I hated it here, but after that I found a cure...bagging YCG's (more than I am comfortable admitting to)....lots of fun. Wink
Then I found a Chinese girl that I connected with and now she is my girlfriend (although I am thinking of trading her in for a cute little Philippino maid in HK Shock ).
My good friend back home moved to Asia 12 years ago to teach English, only because he loved Asian women...and you know what...he married one a few years ago!! Nothing wrong with being attracted to a certain race of each their own.

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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I still don't see whats creepy about anyone being atracted to another human being, Are you homophobic also?? ,,, neither are anyone elses business. 50 year old guys at home marry 20 year old women. is it weird? not my business, they both get what they want.
Going to China was a real life changing experience for me on so many levels.
I'm attracted to petite thin women with black hair that are prissy, even slutty if she dresses nice.. All the women I know at home are mostly tall with full figures. The way North Americans dress has become very casual. I used to have nice clothes to wear. I can't even find much in clothing that I like. I do not remember the last time I saw a woman wear a dress at home. Female office workers dress like they are going to the cottage.
If you read my profile then you know my first girl friend was a seal. There are vertually no women that I want to date here. During my life I have only slightly known two Chinese women.
Now imagine me standing on a street corner in China with my mouth open and women coming up to me and offering me money to take me home,, well not really my exaggeration humour again,,,,I met a woman that I dated and one of the first questions she asked is why are you not married ( I never asked her) to which I replied there are no women where I live, and I tell her watch this,,,I take my finger and point at the women going by on bikes and say ''pretty girl,pretty girl,pretty girl,pretty girl,pretty girl,",it's not like this at home. So I do realize that I like Chinese women, but because they fit my ideal, not because they are Chinese. Is it creepy that I find certain physical qualities attractive?No and none of anyones business, But then anything is better than dating a seal,, talk about bad breathe. Tongue Tongue


I'm homophobic cause I think white guys attracted to a culture rather than a person is creepy? Admin, is there and ignore function? PS, your post IS creepy.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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NO YOU ARE CrEePy Y< NEVERMIND> you don't know what the F you are talking about,,did I say anything about culture or being speciafically attracted to Chinese women? China culture ? I don't think my views should be taken as offensive and I even made a joke in there to lighten it.,So- no you can't read and you don't understand anything,,why ,,,because you are stupid..incapable of understanding,, just because you can write and speak does not mean you should,,,, we have an expression that it is better to remain silent and look stupid than to open your mouth and forever remove all doubt,, this appllies to you.,,,what I would have found creepy is if I went to China and found the men to be attractive ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,So CAT why is this person -nevermind- not on a leash ? his comments are racist not creepy

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Hey nevermind, we're workin on it.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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right on ted, if you travel the world you would find women are generally different physically and culturally , when people say " i want a chinese wife" and we are in china it makes perfect sense, it simply simply means he is attracted to the aspects of chinese women (and is willing to accept the drawbacks). it does not means he wants any chinese women, (do i really need to explain that) i should never have to tell a westerner that each person has their own personal taste (maybe because i grew up in a diverse region so i have an open mind) i have seen and met blacks who only date whites or latinos, whites who only dates blacks or latinos or latinos who only dates whites or blacks. personal preference is not weird some like doggy style i love cow girl. does it make me weird if i want a girl whose figure fits the position i like best relative to to my height and size?? even if a guy is addicted to a culture and wants to live out fantasies by only doing japanese girls, who cares??? who is he hurting??? the bedroom is supposed to be a place where we turn some of our fantasies into reality

12 years 51 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago
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1) I was particularly creeped out by a 5'1, 350 lbs. co-employee who wouldn't shut up about his brothelling, and his fondness for "sailor moon pussy".

2) I was equally creeped out by some ex-pats I've met who define liking Asian girls as "a weird fetish" and insist on racial purity.

3) I'm tripply creeped out about the fact that those kinds of discussions about race, on either side of the fence, would be pretty taboo in any English-speaking country.

Anyway, I'm so bored of race relations. I have a dream that people will stop talking about such a dull boring thing.

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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if i ever marry again it would be with an asian woman. the reason is simple i love big butt and tits with asian features. eyes, shortness etc. i like the mannerisms of asian women (some not all) . asian women age better. in asian cultures like chinese culture they women are taught to devote themselves first to the relationship and family and not themselves. makes for a better marriage.
i am a simple guy, all i want is drama, free hassle free sex everyday. i'm not rich, in fact i'm poor so the best way for me to do that is in a relationship with the right woman (more likely than not she will be chinese since i'n in china for the next 5 years)

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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Yellow fever...

If you're married to a Chinese woman, then can you not see why some people may like them?

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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I can't agree more Wink

This is why I have a theory....95% foreigners in this land are some creeps here or there... How sad are Chinese girls who are in favor of these creepies.... Laughing out loud


You are obviously a local with issues!! I suggest you find a way to deal with it! Many Chinese girls like westerners and vise versa! Please explain to my why you think Chinese men are better? Please....I will listen carefully!! For the record, I am in my early 30's, not bald and in great shape. I am in China not by choice, but because of my job.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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LOL.....Im..and told the truth on purpose....just like some guys here talk so shamelessly about China and Chinese..........Chinese men are the best husbands in the WHOLE get it? if you know woman well.....but i bet most guys here are some kind or virgin or no you don't understand it....

12 years 51 weeks ago
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There are 2 kinds of Chinese man. The first kind sleep with anything that moves, treat their women like shit, and spread the wealth around if you know what I mean! The second is so pistol whipped that the girl controls everything....carry my me Iphone! I know Chinese women and men very well! I would suggest that if you are on this website then you too have desires for foreigners. Maybe you are just in denial?

12 years 51 weeks ago
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what desire do you have on the site? to make friends with creepies? are just bored !! and sometimes practise my foreign language ability isnt hurting...but im not like that boring English teacher girl who wants me to speak like a native....what for? im not a grammer teacher/ you crush girls/guys on a internet forum? isn't it too naive and silly?lol You know Chinese well, DOESNT MEAN YOU KNOW ME or many other cool Chinese..ok? logic?

12 years 51 weeks ago
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No, girls I meet are in person. I only write here because it is a great outlet. I have never met a girl on the internet before. I like this website because other people are like me, in a strange land, and we can talk about it. Some people here may be creeps (matter of opinion and cultural standards), but most are not. Don't believe everything you hear!!

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Localla, what exactly is logical about your posts? You don't analyze anything, you don't back up your claims, you don't offer any reasoning, you just insult based on race. Tired, boring insults we've all heard from a million Chinese teenagers. How old are you? Are you this shameless when you are not on the internet, because I can't imagine such childish behaviour would be accepted by adult Chinese.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Thank you Kchur, I was getting frustrated, but your comment helped!

12 years 51 weeks ago
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I did explain things in a good way, if you read every of my posts...Kchur...why do you think ONLY ME is doing the insult thing but some of you do it brutaly to Chinese...such as that Njord creepy....I don't have time to read all posts here but i can just make sure he is a creepy old foreigner man here, begging a life in cheap China....and talk like a shit...ASK HIM IF HE EVER "TURN RED FACE" OR FELT ANY TYPE OF SHAMES in his long fxkin you want to ENQUIRE ME JUST to protect creepy foreigners here? ..oh..I'm doing same...but im totally targelessly.... What the hell do you think you are any position to JUDGE me if im accpeted by any human...DONT you feel shame about this?...where do i feel like shameless?...if im not be offended by some tards here... OK...IM A MATURE WOMAN...does this satisfy your curiousity now? ....OH..YOU DONT CARE ABOUT CHINA AT ALL,,,then shut childish words you can say shameless..if you are in China right are a fail...Kchur

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Just because I defend my brethren, does not mean I agree with their opinions. Just like you defend wimpy little Chinese men. If you insult my foreign brothers you insult me, regardless of our issues or opinions. Judge the man, not the race! Are you a white bigot bastard living in the south (US) during the early 60's? Get your head out of that propaganda cloud the government keeps spoon feeding you every day!!

12 years 51 weeks ago
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i think you just dont understand im not all serious here....and what I said maybe not mean anything toooo....just find a creepy target to kill time . because they can't inspire me with some FRESH AIR......MAYBE..maybe...dude...

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Hey, Admin, why don'y you ban this racist ass?

12 years 51 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago
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Ridiculous. I do care a lot about China. I have a full set of in-laws in China, some of whom I really like. I have friends I China, I left behind my family and my whole life for years just to learn Chinese. Njord badmouths China but if you'd pay a modicum of attention, he badmouths *me* and half the other people here. Who cares? He's a self-described grumpy bald old man, from a country that is too boring for me to ever consider going to. That's the problem with you Chinese: one foreigner insults China, and you insult all foreigners.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Chinese women that know foreign men like them ,so there must be reasons,,,,, they are treated well, probably better than they ever have been,,,,,,and the women have other reasons,,,,,,,,,,,, i suggest that you must find a foreign man to be your BF and sleep with him so you will know this also.,,and there is the other thing that you will find out why Chinese women like foreign BF

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Admins are no better than this guy...

12 years 51 weeks ago
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haha, kchur's on his time.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Yah I got admit that was a good one on kchur! Well played! For the record though, I got grumpy here... As for bitching about you and others, well if you guys would pussy foot less and call it like it is... I just can't stand apologists.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Hey Localla I do private English lessons , I'm looking for more students . Give me 2 hours a week and I can have you comprehensibly insulting foreigners like me in no time ! ;-)

12 years 51 weeks ago
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kchur....what i mentioned you dont care about China, it was said by yourself in that thread "sote power"....ppl got to slap his own face sometimes.....DO YOU HAVE LOGIC THEN? SOME CHINESE ARE BAD APPLES, FOREIGNERS INSULT WHOLE CHINESE….right right right? What makes me sick of your foreigners sickness is you just think you are CORRECT (like some shits)….

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Nevermind, why Admin here don’t ban you and other racist here? Is because he is from a democratic party?....why guess who im? Doest it matter to you ignorance?...who the hell is weenna?

12 years 51 weeks ago
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TedDBayer, where do I let you know I’m a “traditional” woman… are a “traditional” virgin..right?

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Wait...Teddbear.....don't make me say too clear creepy things about foreigners here in this land....otherwise you will lose your chance to get you want to lose it? your virginity?

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Localla, temper the content of your posts a little. You're a breath away from a temporary ban.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago
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Were you going to take my virginity Localla? Sorry dear, your fantasy will never happen. My first day in China a really beautiful woman ravished me. I was powerless against her beauty but I didn't enjoy myself. She forced herself on me. Later that night another woman did the same to me. I spent the remainer of night crying like a baby. I admit my shame. :))

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Ted....THAT was good!!

12 years 50 weeks ago
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@ dude,,,,, tx, there is usually a thread of truth to my humour and BS,,,,( just so you know I didn't cry_ don't tell Localla )

12 years 50 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago

I like a snowy Happy new year, rather than a no sky one...Beijing's time to ban the cars---the only solution for the time being...

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chinese girls are pretty enough to be attracted to, whats wrong in them , they are beautiful , sexy figures, some having long legs, soft milky skins....... they are worth attraction

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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Most people have preferences. I bet u do. We are attracted or turned off by age, wealth, beauty, religion, height, weight, intelligence, nationality, colour, culture, and probably many more subliminal attributes a person might have.

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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You know what...if I was 50+ years old...had no wife or gf, and if you told me I could find a hot 22 year girl in China that would dig me...I would move here in a heartbeat.
This is not me, but I applaud those who have done this, and what is wrong with that?
And how many 26+ year old women here are passed over by local men because of cultural stigma's? Divorced? Don't get me started!!

P.S. - I can't let this post die!!

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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sometimes its fun here to see ppl have extreme ideas : chinese are nothing, chinese women just chase for money, chinese men are shit n treat women like shit. n on the contrary , chinese husbands are best, china is the best place.......funny~~~like the kids playing childish games!

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12 years 51 weeks ago

Lose once you get serious!!

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OK CLASS class,behave,, I think when in China, date the Chinese, eat the Chinese food, work for the Chinese is appropriate, However since some of the locals are so jealous, why don't you only date the red headed Scotish girls,, you know the ones with skin as white as snow, tall and thin. They have such wonderful accents. I've always liked women that look like this, never dated one. I know extra creepy also. I'm sure there are thousands of them in China , so go out and make them your own.,,sure she can only cook Haggus, but you won't care. Leave the Chinese girls alone because some bigots here have issues. You wouldn't want to see those bigots get all the red headed Scotish girls ? That would be contrary extra crispy creepy. Cool Cool

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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most guys who go to china are dorks or nerds in their country. they can't get girls in their own country because they aren't what western women are usually looking for.

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12 years 47 weeks ago
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You are the creepy one for not respecting other guy's preferences. I specifically want to marry a Chinese girl. So what? That's just my thing. If another guy wanted only to be with an extraterrestrial, I would respect his preference. To each his own.  On the other side of the fence, there are Chinese girl's who specifically want to marry caucasian Americans. Does that make them creepy? Grow up.


Up yours, creep.

12 years 47 weeks ago
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mmm extraterrestial anal probes

12 years 47 weeks ago
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When will this backwards country finally recognize the rights of mixed human-ET couples???

12 years 45 weeks ago
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for sure kchur,, it's fun being beamed up and ET's are so cute, thin, no hair any where. And it's just like they say, once you go gray, you never go gay. They smell kinda funky tho.

12 years 45 weeks ago
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12 years 47 weeks ago
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I'm english and after getting divorced I began looking on the internet out of interest to see who was out there. I was looking for a real relationship, not just repeated one night stands. I hooked up to and from what I read and saw there were many beautiful asian women who said the sort of things I was looking for. Took some advice from a Hong Kong friend in England and it gradually narrowed down to Chinese. I started talking to one or two Chinese women and that narrowed down to one and we have been married for just over five years nowand we live in Nanning after living a while in England. I think for a lot of westerners they are fed up with the selfishness and money grabbing attitude of a lot of western women. yes I know it can be found here in China too but it is less prevelant, and the genuine girls offer the sort of values that men appreciate, or maybe I just struck lucky. Nothing creepy about it we just want a slightly more old fashioned and genuine attitude than what I found posted by women on some of the dating sites. The American and English women were the worst, all they wanted was to hook up to an open cheque book and a big one at that.

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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The guys who fetishize Chinese women just need to socialize with Chinese women for an extended period of time and the weirdness you speak of would stop. The only reason for the hentai/asian porn/ super lust for  asian woman is because they're in fantasy land.

For me Asian women are my preference because to me they're the best looking women in the world. But I'm definitely not going to limit myself to Asian women because they're so many hot woman of other races/nationalities. 

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12 years 44 weeks ago
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I did not read your remarks but I had a look at your question. I think it is just preference from the person who they like and it's also opinionated on what you think about it. 

It's like if somebody said people that like chocolate is a disgusting person. Or if you like fish you are a smelly person. It's all your opinion! But you do have the right of an opinion. 

For me I don't think it's extra creepy I think you had a lot of emphasis on the word extra. Were you being overly dramatic and exaggerating or were you actually being honest?

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12 years 44 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77