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Q: Why some Chinese girls give so much importance to their external beauty,rather then their character?

In my office i used to see in cabins where chinese girls sit ,for sure there will be a mirror.In a day they will look into it nearly 50 to 60 times,I am the IT Dept head ,Whenever I cross a girl's cabin ,they will minimise all the windows in computer,even if it dosent matter anything to me and used to act as if they are busy in a work.I have been surprised many a times thinking  why this people are not so outspoken to each other? when we give a work ,which can be finished within one hour ,they will drag it to four or five hours and when its 6 'o' clock ,they will just leave the office ,without updating any one .They are not interested in having a social relation with co-workers,just like human machines,they are always concerned about they dress code,hair straightening ,facial etc...

12 years 36 weeks ago in  Culture - Guangzhou

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Because like fruit it is what the consumer wants and the image that the media projects. If their personality was more important to the majority of men then that would be what they would work on. This is not only a trait of Chinese women but it is far more prevelant in China than in Western countries

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12 years 36 weeks ago
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Because like fruit it is what the consumer wants and the image that the media projects. If their personality was more important to the majority of men then that would be what they would work on. This is not only a trait of Chinese women but it is far more prevelant in China than in Western countries

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12 years 36 weeks ago
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It's because society only cares about appearance is all aspects.  Your business can be corrupt and cheat its customers as long as it looks good. It's become a negative side effect from the importance of "face." 

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12 years 36 weeks ago
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Because external beauty is visible, and also they dress to maximize their "good points".  It is like advertising, must have an impact in order to catch a husband wwith a good financial situation, and better their lives.
It is like the wrapping on a gift box, can be beautiful to look at, but bears no relation to the contents inside, which to me at least, are even more important.
What mother nature gives us at birth, father time takes away as you grow older.  External beauty will fade, internal beauty will never fade.

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12 years 36 weeks ago
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Why do women pay more attention to their appearance than improving their minds?

Because most men are stupid, but few are blind.


good one ! tums up

12 years 36 weeks ago
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double clicked

12 years 36 weeks ago
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speak for yourself stupid man.

11 years 38 weeks ago
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Lol, that's funny, coming  from Bili, the guy who couldn't figure out how to upload an avatar photo...

11 years 37 weeks ago
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The alternative is also true in a lot of cases. That is because they have little or no character and so must rely on looks alone.

10 years 30 weeks ago
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12 years 36 weeks ago
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well I could say if you don't have it in one place then you should show it off in others. The fact is man get stupid when they see sexy, and then they only see sexy and hear sexy and listen to sexy. It is like all their brain fall out and their tongue hangs out and their eyes bug out, so the girls who look good and know it are maybe smarter then you think.

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12 years 36 weeks ago

Come on thumbs down everything I say. rnrnPlease I like it thumbs down some more.

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I don't think having pride in appearance is a bad thing, It's worse running around looking like a hag. This is something that can be made better. Personality, either you have it or you don't and anyone can improve it,, but who really does.Chinese women seem to really bloom with some makeup.
I think women that aren't overly narcissistic have a better personality due to being good looking. I think they just have an easier time. Everyones nice to them.


Looking like a hag? Surely at this point in history men at least started to entertain the possibility that looks fade, including their own. Maturity might help you to understand that looking like a hag, for a male or a woman, should be considered to be OK, and not a reflection of the woman's cognitive capacity. Does your own dear old mum look like a hag? Lilith

12 years 29 weeks ago
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I'm not saying looking casual or natural, I mean if you don't care about how you look you look like a hag, don't wash hair etc. My GF does not wear makeup, but she is the cutest thing I have ever seen. My mother doesn't look like a hag, but i turned down yours as she does.

12 years 29 weeks ago
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12 years 36 weeks ago
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Because they want a husband so they don't have to work anymore.  I am pretty sure their parents never tought them about work ethic, but drilled into them from an early age how important it is to get married before 25.
Nobody works hard in China unless they own their own business.

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12 years 36 weeks ago
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Because beautiful appearance would given more chances and ,i think a good appearance is a way to show respects to others

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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Is it really so different from the West?  In the States, women keep the economy going with clothes purchases, make-up purchases, beauty enhancements, etc., etc.  Did you ever hear the expression "clothes horse"?

In the city where I came, women prided themselves very often on the ability to outshine and outlook the other women, but of course, in an understated non-garish way.  How many times did I hear "she puts her money on her back and I put my money in the bank?"  Please, I hate to say it, but perhaps it's a lady thing.


That's pretty sexist, man.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Honestly, kchur, with all the flack that you have been getting for your comments recently, is that really the best that you can do?

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Just a simple observation. And what's this "recently" nonsense, noobcakes?

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Not an observation just a comment on your part and to which I will ascribe its due value. Nonetheless, I am not your "man" and I am not your "noobcakes". Thank you.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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12 years 34 weeks ago
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They have good look is good. Hope that they do job well is better.

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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Why are these questions always about women? Does this mean men don't care about their appearance (I know several men who spend more than most women on their appearance)? And why are men complaining about it? How many of you would actually pay any attention to a woman who didn't look good?


I brush my teeth every morning, and again before I go out. I also shave my head to about 2 cm when it looks scruffy, using clipper I bought, and trim my beard whenever I happen to notice. Other than that, I wash my clothes, which my wife mainly buys for me, because she doesn't trust my sense of fashion.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Well, HugAPanda, considering that most people on this site are men, the questions will be about women. If you want to post more questions about men, feel free. You can get...real...opinions I guess?

12 years 34 weeks ago
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I brought 3 suits, 3 sets of dress shoes, I'm tll, dark and two out of threes not bad, so i dress nice when i go out. I think looking your best makes you fell better, but I really think women have more options for clothes, style, makeup and how can you compare a man vs a woman. Women are beautiful, the better looking sex.

12 years 29 weeks ago
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12 years 34 weeks ago
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External beauty is really important. I don't think you want to work with the ones who don't care about their appearance at all.
It's women's nature, spending time in front of the mirror everyday, while she could still hardworking. I work until 1AM before my project go live, then I spend a lot of time for facial and massage later, just want to take care of myself.


I agree. Not everyone can look like a movie star, but taking ccare of ones appearance, not being a slob can go a LONG way. This by the way, goes for both men AND women!

12 years 34 weeks ago
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12 years 34 weeks ago
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when guys stop looking to the girls with nice appearance, girls will not care about it that much... but some girls like to dress themselves up because they love themselves.. nothing to do with any creature or culture in this world...

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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Please donot blame man for liking  beautiful women and as an explaination for those women's behavior .  it's nature that we all like beautiful things , the only reason that those girls are not mature and they do not have a good goal in their life , they  feel empty and have nothing to do .

for me ,i keep beautiful and pay attention to my appearance for nobody but myself , becuase it makes me confident and good , and surely i will also enjoy my job and focus  on my work when i am in working time ...and i think i looks much more beautiful when i have my work well done .


Thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years 27 weeks ago
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12 years 29 weeks ago
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Why do some women not?

Full circle

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12 years 29 weeks ago
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There is nothing wrong with following a dress code and taking care of facial and hair straightening. You would think that trying to improve one's appearance to make the company look good would be praised here. You never heard of the phrase: 'Wash your face and comb your Hair"? 

And the reason why they may drag their work for 4 hours instead of finishing it in 1 hour is probably because people don't like work! Just like people don't like going to school, but they have to. What they really need is someone to motivate them and not keep it secret. 

I understand you coming here to find answers and all, but if you haven't tried finding the answer for yourself you could have dragged this whole issue for days when it could have been accomplished in one day!

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12 years 27 weeks ago
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Ummm, how about because everything in China is superficial. Let's look at it a different way, they smile to your face and stick a knife in your back, they say honest but it's immediately a lie, so why not at least look good while your ripping people off.

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12 years 26 weeks ago
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Women are women the world around, no matter where you travel you will find this type of girl, of course not all women are like this I'm just generalizing that in every country they have the girls that only care about outer beauty.


Indonesia is a prime example, a muslim country but beauty is important. Like China they think white skin is a must and will cake their face in make-up to look white to the point where there is a very visable line between their face (white make-up) and their neck (natural brown skin).

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11 years 41 weeks ago
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You can't see character so they think they don't need it.

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11 years 41 weeks ago
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Like everything here, it's all about appearence, not substance. 

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11 years 41 weeks ago
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because the moment you will reach to their character from external will be already robbed.

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11 years 41 weeks ago
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Where are the ladies portrayed on Chinese television during Chinas dynasty days? They are gentle and loving and beautiful with big black eyes and long wonderful dark hair.

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11 years 38 weeks ago
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Cheemo, this ain't a problem unique to Chinese girls. 

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11 years 37 weeks ago
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Because guys like China dolls, they don't care what is inside.

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11 years 37 weeks ago
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Sudhakaran, I found that they do relate to each other. The office i was in they were all relatively young and they chatted and had lunch together and even invited me even though I was working in a slightly different department from them. Isnt the mirror gazing universal. All women do that. Admittedly maybe it is more so in the East. 

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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