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Answers of the Day

  • Apr 14,2014

    Wow, I just read this thread and I must say, people on this forum are EDGY! It's like they come here to rant and sometimes those rants are misdirected and end up at each other. 


    1. I read the question before I read the answers and never did I epxect people to lash out at Mike for asking it. People calling him all this shit because he shared a nice moment he was having...

  • Apr 09,2014

    @KimOnAch Well, back in the 40's, US armies freed my country, while a large part of the population was just looking, and the "elite" just gave up. They did not do that alone, it was a large concerted effort, of which USSR did the brunt of the job. However, US gave generous helps to clean-up the mess and rebuild. Unlike USSR, countries who accepted the help did not have to become a US-bis. This...

  • Apr 07,2014

    Well, I can think of a wanting to break dance. They need space and music too. The dance music ladies play isn't exactly appropriate. Roller blading is another, space needed. Outdoor parties, kids love them, space needed. With dance music blaring, it just tells people to go away unless you want to join the ladies. 

  • Apr 02,2014

    Unpopular opinion alert! But isnt it possible that no one is out to get us and well.... This is just all we deserve? Im speaking for western countries of course but for us. Weve had a pretty fair hand given to us and its up to us to make something out of it. So i dont like the atitude that the system here is holding us down. Perhaps the majority of us here just arent valuable.


  • Mar 30,2014

    a bit of everything. i'm far from the coastal cities, and didn't get much advice from the few expats i met in person. my wife views my expat interactions with almost as much suspicion as speaking with women.
    discussing ethics or politics with anyone here will make you no friends. i come regularly for the intellectual stimulation, which is hard to find with locals for more reasons than...

  • Mar 27,2014

    Good topic. Here's my own 1st hand account:

    * My wife, from a farmers-turned-blue-collars family:
      - She's very aware of the low social standards
      - Her awareness expanded further after traveling abroad with me and working with other foreigners here
      - She feels absolutely powerless about it, thinking that she would feel miserable and very very depressed...

  • Mar 26,2014

    According to Wikipedia, China Daily (follows the official line tightly, with a polite, non-controversial and optimistic tone) hire expats on short-term for polishing the English version of the articles. So that's one way to peak an eye in the redaction room.

    I spend 15 mn searching for it, but I couldn't find it... So you can blame me to say stuffs without convincing support ^^ I...

  • Mar 24,2014

    To what do you refer?


    Aside from the websites that are blocked in China, service providers have their own list of blocked sites (Unicom is particularly bad), and depending on the provider, various sites will get hijacked by advertising. All these problems can be overcome by a VPN.


    Internet speeds in China are generally poor, and service providers will...

  • Mar 23,2014

    no-one should expect to feel happy/positive 100% of the time: it is not a natural human condition.

    It is the contrasts / ups-and-downs of life that make it interesting.

    i accpet the low points in my life because i know that they will pass, and it means even the worst BCD will be balanced by a great day.

    when things go well, i appreciate the contrast any enjoy life

  • Mar 22,2014

    They don't provide napkins in any restaurants in Xinjiang.  They did in Qingdao, but they sure as hell don't out here.

    This applies to the expensive restaurants and the el-cheapo's alike.

    If you want to use something other than the back of your hand, or your shirt, you've gotta buy a great big packet of napkins.

    The price of these napkins is bugger all so...again......

  • Mar 21,2014

    Technically, you can't work for a company. But you can do private tutoring and it will not violate the law. Not necessarily legal, but not illegal. But in reality you can teach pt at a school  because they don't care. But understand that you will be breaking the law. 

  • Mar 20,2014

    They usually do this to make you feel that you are being served properly. Sometimes they overdo it because they are afraid of losing their jobs. You'd probably don't understand this but each morning their supervisors will terrorize them about customer service. Next time just tell them to give you a few minutes and they will go away.

  • Mar 18,2014

    I was posted here by my company 2 years ago. Initially, it was just a job. In my mind, I just wanted to finish what I needed to to do and get out. Well, I'm into my 3rd year, having accepted a position in Chongqing starting tomorrow. Looking back, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Of course, there were times I wanted to pack up and leave. Some of those times were extremely trying but...

  • Mar 16,2014

    You will need an internationally recognized qualification as a start. Then you will have to run the gauntlet of interviews with the immigration departments of whichever country you want to go to, assuming you have all the documents necessary to arrive at the interviewers' desk. In western countries, being fluent in Chinese doesn't mean anything. They've already got thousands upon thousands...

  • Mar 15,2014

    Some expatriates have been here for quite a while now, and have seen the situation change very rapidly.


    The country isn't what it was back a few years ago. China used to be a flawed yet promising place where improvement was expected on many levels. A booming economy was hoped to put millions out of misery while opening up to more exchanges and freedom. In a word, China's...

  • Mar 11,2014

    travelling around Europe, i have seen parents chastise their child in public for littering - no physically, just telling the child to pick the discarded rubbish off the ground and put it in a bin.


    Solvenia have made it fun for children to get into the habit by making public bins in the shape of animals with large open mouths. 


    it's not rocket...

  • Mar 07,2014

    Don't be surprised man, trust me, I'm also in Shenzhen. 70% of training centers and schools won't give you that mandatory health insurance. Only Wallstreet, EF, DK,  Public and University currently offer it and a few no name schools might. This is kind of like the Obama care of China, School don't want this because it cost them and the teacher some money and most teachers want the full...

  • Mar 06,2014

    Here's what they need in order to open accounts in your name (IN THE UNITED STATES, OF ALL PLACES):


    1) Passport (counts as 2 forms of ID)

    2) Date of Birth

    3) Name


    With just those three tidbits, they can screw you royally. No need for your social security number. Why? They have access to the entire database of social security card...

  • Mar 06,2014

    Hic, I'm not a very good writer >_< I'm not astonished by the ongoing environmental disaster and Chinese society. I mean, no, *I'm astonished*, on a daily basis. But I've been living in China for a couple of years, I have some bits of explanations for the why/how. What astonished me were a combination of things
      * Open, "in-your-face" social critics, humor being just a mere...

  • Mar 05,2014

    History is also written from the POV of the victor. So I wonder who the victor will be. An the political/economic arm wrestle between the US and China, who will come out the other side as the winner and flex their international muscles. 


    I think it'll also be known as the period when many foreigners came and then many left as well. Maybe the beginning of the mass...

Answer of the DayMORE >>
A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77