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Q: Can expats get visa health check done anywhere else besides the official testing center?

I may need to do another health check for a visa soon but really hate going to that place way up north in the middle of nowhere. The last time I went I was stuck there for 2 hours and swore to avoid the place like the plague in the future. Is this the only place you're allowed to get the test done or can I just go to a regular hospital for all the tests?

12 years 21 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - Beijing

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You can have a health test done at any hospital.  The problem will come when you need to use the results.  Many visa issuing offices only accept health checks done by their previous approved doctors and / or hospitals.

So, if you dislike the previous place you went to, your only hope would be to ask if there is another approved place for the required health check.

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12 years 21 weeks ago
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You must go to a hospital that has the right to give a health check for visa, resident, employment, and education. It is a government hospital, as far as I know, you can however use the one in Beijing that tends to be the mother government hospital, but be prepared, they are more thorough and a hell of a lot more expensive 

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12 years 21 weeks ago
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Well, it is an "official" testing centre. And you know how they LOVE "official" shit here.

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12 years 21 weeks ago
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I think you have to use the one you've been to before to be guaranteed to get the right certificate that you need to present for your visa. I really can't stand the place, either, but the second time I went it wasn't when a whole crop of students were registering for fall or summer school programs, so maybe if you go soon it wouldn't be quite so crowded. BTW, did you know they offer a delivery service? When your certificate is ready, it will be delivered to you for 50RMB. Lots cheaper than taking a cab back to pick it up.

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12 years 20 weeks ago
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Do you have to do the health check every year you renew your residence permit? I was told by my agency I would not need to do it this year since I have not left China, but now the PSB is saying that I must. Is this because of the Changes in the visa rules or why the confusion?

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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Is it fair to assume that the so called "official test centers" become official by agreeing that a certain percentage of every medical carried out makes it way into the pockets of certain government officials? If this were the case, then do you think that these certain government officials would be happy for foreigners to go elsewhere for the medical?  

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman