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Q: Is the show really over and or should i buy some popcorn and scotch?

There has always been this little gentlemen agreement by x presidents to keep their mouth shut for at least one year about the policies of the successor.


Bill Clinton waited two years before he trash talked on Bush in a visit to Europe, however the bush family above the fray beneath their dignity, have never trash talked a former president to their gold spoon in the mouth credit.


Trump will lash out and not take prisoners and Hussein the former black savior of the world is now the leader of the democrats by default and he is not leaving Washington DC like all the other stooges that have lived in public housing at 1600 pennsylvania avenue.


I dont think he will make it a week keeping his narcissistic egomaniac mouth shut after the oath is taken by Trump and Trump repeals executive orders and kills the healthcare scam.


So you have Trump, a blowhard who want back down that will hit back again and again against a professional agitator that said they bring a knife we bring a gun,


the press will treat this guy like the real president in exile and trash trump all day long.


so, the question, is the show over, will they burn down washington, like oakland.


Does anybody believe Hussein will exit the stage gracefully and ride off in the sunset.


The more they cling to the illusion that they matter the longer they stay out of power, I really hope the show goes on for a long time and they dig their own grave even deeper. My bet is hussien want make 72 hours after the oath without saying something negative about trump tearing down his legacy and achievements and adding some racial guilt tilt to the argument, anybody think he makes a month or a year. We can make it a lottery on how long it takes. The Clintons could not help themselves and they were run out of town, is mr barack going to repeat the same history, the obama foundation coming to a world leader soon for donations.

7 years 42 weeks ago in  General  - China

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I am not sure. You might be better off with popcorn, just don't butter it too much-o. Cholesterol is bad.


What do you think about Ore-GONE? 


OreGONE - Oregon Joins California In Proposal To Secede After Trump Victory

Like California, a group of distraught Hillary supporters in Oregon have filed a secession proposal alleging "irreconcilable differences" because "Oregonian values are no longer the values held by the rest of the United States"




mmmm... microwave popcorn for me tonight with lots of butter!  thanks for giving me the idea wink


Oregon is full of a bunch of pot-heads.  I say this because who really cares what a bunch of brain-damaged eternal juveniles think.  On top of that I doubt they have any real convictions one way or the other, it just somehow became trendy & 'cool' to go anti-establishment.  So, let them go fornicate themselves and kill themselves smoking dope. Good riddance.  Dope is for Dopes

7 years 42 weeks ago
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It's disgusting! They put margarine on, meiyou butter. I can smell it just by passing-by. 


I am butter-man and not any kind of butter. My Wal-y carries only NZ blarney ...

I'd say, you are a bit behind the time with 'pot-heads'. Friggin' thing is healthy ...I mean, Gov. will get some more taxes, but weed really have healing properties. You should look how Israelis grow and get new strains. They got one strain without THC (high), only CBD (most healing properties).

It's science there. Military compound and they're just growing weed.

LOL, yeah anti-establishment is trendy. Jay Leno should interview them ...

7 years 42 weeks ago
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yeah, I gotta admit that microwave popcorn can't hold a candle to the real popped in a pan on the stove the way my dad did,,,,, but I don't know how to do it , or at least I don't know how in China,,, haha....


yeah,, I'm behind the times on reefer,, I tried it a couple of times in the early '80s, Thank goodness I never really took to it.  I've also heard that it is good for you in some ways, but I just can't believe that.  I mean maybe it is physically good for you, but getting your senses altered like that can't be good for a person.  Now they say the common marijuana is extremely potent compared to the Mexican ditch weed we tried in So. Tx High School, so that is just another thing that scares me about it.  Granted that marijuana is probably the least debilitating of the 'recreational' drugs, but still I can't believe it's harmless (I could be wrong though).

7 years 42 weeks ago
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Today's reefer is similar as difference between Jagermeister and Scotch or Stoli. 


You have to have an old fashion/closed oven for old-time pop. Corn kind of explode on heat, so if you do it in a pan, popcorn will be all over the kitchen.

I am not microwave fan, but it might work in there too. I never know, which button is right .... Similar to a washing machine broken heart

Cooking isn't science, so just do few experiments in the kitchen ..... Just don't let your mom see it ....

7 years 42 weeks ago
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oregon really is a screwed up place. first they have a mileage tax on trucks that makes their road tax the highest in the country, the locals have no fuel tax at all, so they think they are getting outsiders to pay for their roads. stupid people, just like corporate taxes, the company raises prices to cover the tax. the truck rates to oregon are twice what they are to california, so everything cost more, but we screwed all those out of state trucking companies.  the government regulates and zones land so bad in oregon that all portland buildings are being torn down for high rises and no new suburbs are allowed. so the infrastructure cant keep up with the increased density population and more property taxes are assessed making buying a place for the middle class impossible. the absolutely craziest thing in oregon is you cant have a home on a farm depending on the size of the farm, so you can buy farm land in remote areas very cheap but you cant build a home on it, so nobody buys it. the solution, many farms have huge barns by appearance and when you walk inside it, it is a 4 bedroom house in disguise.


yes government always knows what is best for the people. give california to mexico and oregon and washington to canada. problem solved.

7 years 42 weeks ago
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7 years 42 weeks ago
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Posts: 19843


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I am not sure. You might be better off with popcorn, just don't butter it too much-o. Cholesterol is bad.


What do you think about Ore-GONE? 


OreGONE - Oregon Joins California In Proposal To Secede After Trump Victory

Like California, a group of distraught Hillary supporters in Oregon have filed a secession proposal alleging "irreconcilable differences" because "Oregonian values are no longer the values held by the rest of the United States"




mmmm... microwave popcorn for me tonight with lots of butter!  thanks for giving me the idea wink


Oregon is full of a bunch of pot-heads.  I say this because who really cares what a bunch of brain-damaged eternal juveniles think.  On top of that I doubt they have any real convictions one way or the other, it just somehow became trendy & 'cool' to go anti-establishment.  So, let them go fornicate themselves and kill themselves smoking dope. Good riddance.  Dope is for Dopes

7 years 42 weeks ago
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It's disgusting! They put margarine on, meiyou butter. I can smell it just by passing-by. 


I am butter-man and not any kind of butter. My Wal-y carries only NZ blarney ...

I'd say, you are a bit behind the time with 'pot-heads'. Friggin' thing is healthy ...I mean, Gov. will get some more taxes, but weed really have healing properties. You should look how Israelis grow and get new strains. They got one strain without THC (high), only CBD (most healing properties).

It's science there. Military compound and they're just growing weed.

LOL, yeah anti-establishment is trendy. Jay Leno should interview them ...

7 years 42 weeks ago
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yeah, I gotta admit that microwave popcorn can't hold a candle to the real popped in a pan on the stove the way my dad did,,,,, but I don't know how to do it , or at least I don't know how in China,,, haha....


yeah,, I'm behind the times on reefer,, I tried it a couple of times in the early '80s, Thank goodness I never really took to it.  I've also heard that it is good for you in some ways, but I just can't believe that.  I mean maybe it is physically good for you, but getting your senses altered like that can't be good for a person.  Now they say the common marijuana is extremely potent compared to the Mexican ditch weed we tried in So. Tx High School, so that is just another thing that scares me about it.  Granted that marijuana is probably the least debilitating of the 'recreational' drugs, but still I can't believe it's harmless (I could be wrong though).

7 years 42 weeks ago
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Today's reefer is similar as difference between Jagermeister and Scotch or Stoli. 


You have to have an old fashion/closed oven for old-time pop. Corn kind of explode on heat, so if you do it in a pan, popcorn will be all over the kitchen.

I am not microwave fan, but it might work in there too. I never know, which button is right .... Similar to a washing machine broken heart

Cooking isn't science, so just do few experiments in the kitchen ..... Just don't let your mom see it ....

7 years 42 weeks ago
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oregon really is a screwed up place. first they have a mileage tax on trucks that makes their road tax the highest in the country, the locals have no fuel tax at all, so they think they are getting outsiders to pay for their roads. stupid people, just like corporate taxes, the company raises prices to cover the tax. the truck rates to oregon are twice what they are to california, so everything cost more, but we screwed all those out of state trucking companies.  the government regulates and zones land so bad in oregon that all portland buildings are being torn down for high rises and no new suburbs are allowed. so the infrastructure cant keep up with the increased density population and more property taxes are assessed making buying a place for the middle class impossible. the absolutely craziest thing in oregon is you cant have a home on a farm depending on the size of the farm, so you can buy farm land in remote areas very cheap but you cant build a home on it, so nobody buys it. the solution, many farms have huge barns by appearance and when you walk inside it, it is a 4 bedroom house in disguise.


yes government always knows what is best for the people. give california to mexico and oregon and washington to canada. problem solved.

7 years 42 weeks ago
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7 years 42 weeks ago
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What crap are you wrtnig this time??


Firstly, if Trump pulls down Obamacare, then Obama has every right to say something about it!


Secondly, yes, Obama will leave the White House as is required, and in due time. You forget that Obama is about words....(the nice type, not the Trump type).



Q: are you against universal health care?


of course i am against universal healthcare


I can't go to your home and pull a gun and demand 6000 dollars to pay for my wifes pregnancy, but if i get the government to confiscate the money from you that makes it okay. what's the difference, pay for you own healthcare and i will pay for mine. if i die or you die, tough shit. Obama is not going back to Chicago or Hawaii, he is staying in washington dc, that was the whole point, no president has ever done this before. In regard to government healthcare, veterans have free healthcare and can't get appointments and have lousy service, any body want the health care plans and doctors that veterans have. The old people have free insurance but the government pays a certain amount only and payment in 90 days so some doctors refuse to take old people or want take any more patients. The irony of this horse shit is I would go to Mexico for dental treatments and Panama for medical checkups when i was in America and my friends say you trust a foreign doctor and my answer would be who is an American doctor. white and black doctors are disappearing and most doctors are from India or Pakistan, Doctors are not going to take a cut in pay so immigrants are filling the position. A foreign doctor abroad or at home with broken English, what to hell is the difference. How many domestic born doctors are left in the universal healthcare utopia of Britain and Canada?

7 years 42 weeks ago
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the rest of the world should be pissed off at developed countries who are stealing all their doctors and nurses because we don't know what to hell we're doing. America should just let Switzerland set up the healthcare plan and how its run and anybody from the left or right does not like it, tie their limbs to 4 sled dog teams and yell "mush".

7 years 42 weeks ago
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I think I should just cut to the core... who's life, in YOUR eyes, has value?

7 years 42 weeks ago
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nobody has a life of value, we all go back to dirt, rich or poor, dumb or smart, reality is a bitch, but that is were i live. Your mind perceives that you have value, of course, but truthfully it is just an illusion when you think about your significance in a vast universe. some famous english poet called "illusions of grandeur".

7 years 42 weeks ago
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The thing you can't seem to fathom is that some people just aren't arrogant enough to pretend they can put a price tag on anyone's life, contrary to central planning fascists.


And that the best course of action for someone modest enough to admit they don't know better than anyone else is to let everyone pick the care of their choice at the price they want.


Centralized healthcare just like centralized mostly anything is a disaster everywhere it has been ever implemented ending up costing far more than it's worth for the vast majority. The only reason it may look fine in some places is because those systems run on debt which means they're a bullet train running full speed to a precipice.


Sorry, I'd rather face the cost of knowing someone somewhere had to die because they preferred spending money on the here and now rather than getting better coverage, than knowing my daughter will have to suffer through economic recession of epic proportions because every careless bum out there had their free stuff delivered in their mouth.

7 years 42 weeks ago
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7 years 42 weeks ago
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What on Earth are you basing your logic on? Bush fucked the country up which is why he and his family except Jeb kept their mouths shut. And doesn't Jeb count as family? Do you know what narcissism means? Obama, narcissistic and an egomaniac? Coming from a Trump supporter? Obama sucked as president but actual not for the reasons you make up. Expanded droning, lots of bombing in Arab countries killing innocent brown people. Expanded militarism, increased presence and bases in Eastern Europe. I bet you don't even know Trump plans to close many military bases.

Posts like this are exactly why I say liberals and conservatives should get on shuttles and go to Mars.


he should close the bases leave europe and asia, the sooner the better. we can't afford to do this stuff anymore. also move the UN building out of new york.

7 years 42 weeks ago
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this gentlemens agreement has been going on for over a century, you dont speak evil of your successor, you had you moment in the sun, move on, bush's father, reagan, carter, nobody ran their mouth in front of a camera after they exit stage left or stage right. Jeb is not and will never will be an x president. as for the narcissism listen to a reagan speech "my fellow americans" ,"we", "together we can", and listen to obama say "I' in speech of 12 minutes forty times, hell watch him give a speech supporting hillary and say "i" 30 times, bill clinton and jimmy carter did not do this either. its the true sign of narcistic behavior, trump may be the same way, we will have to wait and see. I call him the black savior because of "I', he did it all by himself and never gives credit to anybody else. forget his actions, listen to his words. my favorite lines from his mouth "i was not aware", "i was just informed and had no knowledge", no, it was never your fault, always somebody else. we will find the problem, hey asshole look in the mirror.

7 years 42 weeks ago
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now that the sorry sack of shit is leaving, and nobody can call me a racist anymore for voicing an opinion, i can finally unload on this piece of dirt that made me leave america and screw up my life. I hope when i get to hell i can beat on the sob with a baseball bat for at least a 1000 years. how's that for crazy hatred.

7 years 42 weeks ago
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he should close the bases leave europe and asia, the sooner the better. we can't afford to do this stuff anymore. also move the UN building out of new york."


Sod it - why not just close off all borders and not allow anyone or anything into America. Have absolutely NOTHING to do with the rest of the world... ever again! (not even internet, phone, or semaphore).


Better yet - invent better technologies where the entirety of the USofA can move an entire dimension (or 3), and completely forget that planet Earth even exists.


Don't forget to remove all suggestions that Americans are humans, and are the same as others of that species!

7 years 42 weeks ago
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Gotta agree with you there ambi, we don't need bases to honor mutual protection treaties. For years Nato countries have been breaking the Nato treaty by not sending enough on their military because good ole America has their back. 

Shining that type of hysteric is exactly why Hilary lost. She never tried to make a case for herself, she only said if you elect Trump things will be bad

7 years 42 weeks ago
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Closing military bases is a far cry from cutting ourselves off.

7 years 42 weeks ago
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can you see america explaining why we still have bases in Germany in 2045, a hundred years after the war, can you see us explaining why we are still in Korea in 2052, we need to at least talk about it, hell I am the hard ass warmonger who has worked in Nigeria, Syria and Yemen in the last 2 years and even I know this is fu*ked up.

7 years 42 weeks ago
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"Closing military bases is a far cry from cutting ourselves off."


Ambi also said "close the UN building in New York"... looking a lot like closing yourselves off with that sort of attitude!


The thing I think you've all missed (ignored, or perhaps are extremely happy to see happen) is that the US has constantly fucked around with the UN, rather than trying to be a part of it. Instead of voting the way sanity would dictate, it's only ever voted in total, egocentric self-interest. And, when the passed resolutions have been detrimental to US self-interest, they've gone ahead and ignored it and done what they want... much the same as China is doing now.


You ignore that there is the rest of the world out there.  American lives matter, - no-one else's do.


AND you've had this ignorant arrogance to say that the US is the greatest country on the planet... while it's been rotting away from the inside.


Universal health care will become a new thread... it's long, and lots of arguments to be made. But one thing I'll say is - how the fk can you say all those countries that have public funded healthcare are a trainwreck, without looking at the US system and seeing how bad your own economy is??? You talk about debt... and ignore just how bad the US situation is (and ignore how damn good it is in other countries!)

7 years 42 weeks ago
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Oh, another point.


Yes, I do think the US should be funding bases in Europe... cos it's the US that has the anti-Russia mentality! If you think Russia is still the boogeyman, then you pay to keep him out! The rest of the world is sick and tired of your Cold War mentality... (not to mention trying to drag other nations into the wars you keep starting which are only to keep your self-interests alive).

7 years 42 weeks ago
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7 years 42 weeks ago
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obummacare pretty much gave big retailers the right to beat on their employees and then have the employees pay for their wounds ...All of these anti-Trump protesters aren't going to be able to afford health insurance since it'll be about half their salary and they wont need it anyway..


Both parties allowed the medical profession to cut medical student enrollment in the 80's for fear of falling salaries, supply and demand, knowing damn well a baby boom of old people were coming. Now with government healthcare you wait 9 months to see a doctor because they can't get an appointment. Both parties know social security payments will kill the budget, so screw the greatest generation from ww2, first cut the payments, Reagan, next, change the inflation formula to lower increases, Clinton, Finally, make sure they dont have a doctor and die soon and get some young illegals in here to increase the tax base, Obuma.  It was a long term plan by both parties and nobody believes it and its right in front of your face. The very people they gang banged with this slaughter of the greatest generation are the ones who voted for Trump, maybe they finally noticed the vaseline in their ass or the loaded gun at the doctors office with their name on it. the majority of 45 years old voted trump and the majority under 45 voted clinton, the democrats did not get enough illegals and kill enough seniors to pull off the election, but they came pretty damn close. Hillary even promised more money to the seniors, but you cant spend if your not healthy and raising minimum wage to 15 dollars would just increase inflation costs on seniors for everything. We almost had a disaster even worse than what it is now. Although the fools who wanted the higher minimum wage don't realize how many would be kicked off welfare, food stamps and government housing with a republican congress that would not raise the limits to qualify, so poverty, crime and misery would just get worse.

7 years 42 weeks ago
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7 years 42 weeks ago
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